Princess Licarayen Sculpture Legend has it that when the white men had not yet arrived in these lands, several Huilliche tribes lived around the Osorno and Calbuco volcanoes . Princess Licarayén was the purest and most beautiful of young women. An old god Peripillan who lived and was a prisoner in the Osorno volcano to which he had given rise after being banished and thrown from above, was envious of Quitralpi, a war leader, who loved the princess. Peripillán then began to vomit smoke, sulfur and fire, making the earth tremble. The elders decided the princess, should be sacrificed, have her heart torn out, covered with a cinnamon branch. Then they will see that a bird will come from the sky, it will eat the heart and then it will take the cinnamon branch and raising the flight it will drop it in the crater of the home of Pirepillán. A condor swallowed the heatt. At that very moment, white snow began to fall on the ground, covering the crater;. snow fell; days, weeks, whole years. It was a real fight between the fire that rose from hell and the snow that fell from heaven. At the site of the sacrifice, the flowers that had served as Licarayén's deathbed had taken root and that their branches, intertwining, formed the most beautiful palace. that the human mind could never imagine.
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