El Trauco, carved by our host, is one of the myths of Chiloe Island. He is 3 feet tall, who always carries a stone axe that he uses to announce his presence by knocking on the trees. He lives in the hollows of natural caves and trees, feeding on forest fruits. As soon as a person passes by, the evil spell of his gaze or the ill-fated power of his breath falls on them.If you are a man, run away! This mythical character will be furious with you, causing you neck sprains, crippling and other ills, with the intention of making you look as deformed as him. And if you are a woman, don’t look at him! His sweet look is very attractive and it will seduce you.“El Trauco” unleashes his passionate instincts and tries to captivate women in order to abuse them. So he will resort to magic, casting them in sweet dreams, in which he will appear to them as a handsome gallant. Upon awakening from the spell, the young women return home completely confused and unaware of what happened. After nine months, the women will give birth to a child as a result of the witchcraft of this strange little man.
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