Mollie's England Adventure~Mom Living Vicariously
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Neighbors West - Northwest, Oregon

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Oxford, UK
Magdalen cloisters
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Neighbors West - Northwest, Oregon

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London, UK

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Portland, Oregon
Peggy Mollie! Thanks so much for the interesting comment on the blog. I am so thirsty for information. I can hardly believe how unique the program is. Be sure to journal a BUNCH as this is such a life event. I'm sending you an e-mail. xoxo
re: Pics from LondonMollie Hi mom! There was something I wanted to tell you about but didn't have time on the phone to properly explain it. I think you'll like it. Every Monday the school holds something called high table dinners and I went to my first one tonight! It's a very fancy event; formal dress is required, absolutely no jeans allowed and girls usually wear dresses and heels. Tonight I wore the polka dot retro dress and the black flats you loaned me, if you're wondering :) It all starts at 5:15 in the evening, when we all meet in the cloisters (this place for a reception/cocktail hour. After this we move on to a lecture hall to see a guest speaker. Tonight it was a couple who perform Medieval/Renaissance music on authentic replicas of period instruments. They gave us a history lesson at the same time and it was so interesting! Next, we go to the dining hall, where a select few students are invited to sit at the main table (or 'High Table' as it's called) with professors and program leaders and that night's guest. If you're not picked then you just go sit at one of the lower tables. I wasn't chosen tonight but I might be by the time this is over! Finally, we're served a fancy three course meal. And this happens every week! I almost can't believe how lucky I am to be here.
re: Pics from London- last visited

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Mollie Hi mom! There was something I wanted to tell you about but didn't have time on the phone to properly explain it. I think you'll like it. Every Monday the school holds something called high table dinners and I went to my first one tonight! It's a very fancy event; formal dress is required, absolutely no jeans allowed and girls usually wear dresses and heels. Tonight I wore the polka dot retro dress and the black flats you loaned me, if you're wondering :) It all starts at 5:15 in the evening, when we all meet in the cloisters (this place for a reception/cocktail hour. After this we move on to a lecture hall to see a guest speaker. Tonight it was a couple who perform Medieval/Renaissance music on authentic replicas of period instruments. They gave us a history lesson at the same time and it was so interesting! Next, we go to the dining hall, where a select few students are invited to sit at the main table (or 'High Table' as it's called) with professors and program leaders and that night's guest. If you're not picked then you just go sit at one of the lower tables. I wasn't chosen tonight but I might be by the time this is over! Finally, we're served a fancy three course meal. And this happens every week! I almost can't believe how lucky I am to be here.
Peggy Mollie! Thanks so much for the interesting comment on the blog. I am so thirsty for information. I can hardly believe how unique the program is. Be sure to journal a BUNCH as this is such a life event. I'm sending you an e-mail. xoxo