Tsss tsss LindaLinda! Guess whether or not we´re kinda sick of this frase! So the bus for Trinidad finally picked us up in Havana. it was definately on ¨hora cubana¨ (cuban time), which meant about an hour delay... Trinidad welcomed us with its sweet and charming pastell buildings and the smell of stone oven baked pizza sold from cuban door steps. We went sightseeing on day 1. And such a small and intimate town, only required our legs as transportation. Art museums, architechture and locating the party scene filled our day. Then we went out at night and partied with three hot italian guys. They were sooo funny, not great dancers like the cubans, but they definately beat them in charm! ¨We were in the beach today, and I splash twenty times!¨ haha, that was one of them explaining how many times he dove into the water. That same night, we also ran into our soon to be salsa teacher. Maan he was gooood! He made us look good too, swinging us around and introducing us to complicated steps.
On day 2 we ran late for meeting our dear American friend at the bus stop (he was catching up with us from Havana), the reason being our early hour salsa class in a cuban back yard with a casette player. We went to the beach with Byron (American) and his new Aussie friend, Ebony. Later we all went out for a afrocuban dance show and concert at Casa de la Musica.
Day 3 was a day our butts never will forget. We rented the four most horrible bikes ever. Everything was wrong with them... The funniest part is that cubans ride bikes like these everyday, not even knowing that they suck. Bicycling was far from the only piece of action we got that day. Having arrived safely at the beach the wind started getting strong. So strong we all fell to the ground! Peeking up from the sand, we got quite the shock watching a small tornado heading towards the sea. A cuban experience right there! Another salsa class at night, Byron tagging along for this one.
Just strolling around the streets of Trinidad is an experience in itself. Walking around the markets, recieving numerous requests about trading Helene´s bra into home made jewellery, and eating 2kr (norwegian kr) pizza in the sunset. Aside from pizza, food is hard to find. On a long lasting hunt for fruit we had to step into someone´s living room to find guayaba and papaya. But we did find ¨Cuba´s answer to Wal mart¨, they had canned tuna fish AND honey!! (y¨all probably get the picture of how sparse the selection is here...)
We went to the coooolest club we´ve ever seen. It was a big disco, flashing lights and loud music... Like always... BUT, what made this place so expectacular was the fact that it was inside a HUGE and natural cave!! Water drops came down from the ¨ceiling¨ ! The perfect place to dance the night away with our international friends from Chile, Argentina, Australia and America.
Comin´up next is Santa Clara, the historical town of Ernesto Che Guevara. Today we saw his memorial and museum. It had so many pictures from his life, all from infancy to the day before he was assasined.
Tomorrow we´re moving on, going to Viñales where some horseback riding and chill time on the beach needs to be done. It´s hard, but hey, someone´s got to do the job! =)
We hope that you all are having it gooood in Norway, the US, Argentina and wherever you are. Please write us messages on the board =) A throw-up of gang signs from Cuba! xoxo
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