So our days in Bangkok are finally over, we have done so much there and had an amazing time! Here's what we did!
Day 1 - Last night was our first night's sleep in the dreaded hotel (I don't even know its name!) The room was tiny, boiling hot, and the LOUDEST room I have ever been in. It was right on the corridor - our one window opened up onto the main hallway! So we had hardly any sleep. (I think Clout has uploaded a photo we took of the hotel map, our room is the tiny yellow one which is half the size of the others - what a joke.) The toilet had a massive cockroach that wouldn't b***** off, and there were dodgy animal sounding noises in our room throughout the night. Oh, and the water smelt of egg....NICE!! So you can imagine how it felt showering in the stuff and brushing our teeth.
So after the horrendous night of no sleep, we woke up and went about our first day in Bangkok. We were staying on Khoa San Road, a busy touristy road with loads of markets, shops, beggars, all sorts of people. It stinks of sewage but actually was really fun. They sold lots of different clothes, DVDs, jewellery, food etc. but everything you buy you have to haggle for otherwise you get ripped off. So that was quite cringe trying to man up to the little store people and get the price down! We both bought some vests and cool clothes as it is sooo hot here. And we stopped for drinks every half hour to cool down - Changtastic!
In the evening, after a nice dinner of Thai green Curry (that blew my head off) we decided to get a Tuk Tuk (little motorbike carriage taxi thing) to Phat Pong market. That was really mental - it used to be the red light district and is now mainly a busy market where people literally grab you and try to drag you to their stalls. Clout bought a Cartier watch, haggled it down from 4k Baht to 2k. And it doesn't work - nice going Clout!
After tha market we sat down in the main road for a few drinks and tried to decide whether we had the nerve to go and see one of the famous 'Ping Pong' shows that are all over Phat Pong. Clout was reluctant, but stupidly I thought it would be part of the overall experience. So we nevously walked down the road again and went with the first person to grab us and direct us to a Ping Pong show. We were told it cost 100B (about 2quid) with a beer each included. So we go up these dodgy looking stairs, into a bar where half naked girls are dancing on the stage, and were straight away swarmed by girls in bikinis, trying to take us both off into rooms. Oh dear. It was uncomfortable times. So we managed to stay where we were sat and tell them no, then some fat woman came over and told us it was 1400B. So it got even better. We paid up (we had already discussed that possible event and decided to pay straight away) and were then shown over to sit at the stage. Girls were constantly giving us back massages then asking for money, but we were ok by then to tell them no. Luckily, the saving grace of the night - two guys our age were sat nearby and came over to sit with us, they were just as uncomfortable as us and we got chatting with them and had a few more beers. Finally, the bikini girls left us all alone and we were free to laugh and and mock the stage show that was going on. It was very funny to see what the girls were doing - I won't go into details except to tell you one, who drew a picture of Clout with the pen in her *****. Needless to say Clout didn't buy the picture. There was also one who started shooting bananas at us - quite fast actually! So we ended up dancing about and dodging to avoid these bananas. Gross, but very very funny. After that joyful show we went for a few more drinks with the other two guys and had a really good night we were slightly drunk (and the photos of us in the Tuk tuk home show that!)
Day 2 - So we woke up on day 2 feeling very fragile and a bit disturbed by the night before (and that's putting it mildly). But, undeterred, we set out to meet our two friends, Dan and Himash, from the night before. We spent the day with them, going to the grand Palace which was amazing. Unfortunately, it was so bloody HOT andin Grand Palace you have to hire floor length skirts/trousers so you are dressed with respect. so we were boiling, sticky, hungover and had no room by then so couldn't shower. But, was still a good day. In the late afternoon Clout and I went to get our bus to Chiang Mai, made ourselves as comfy as we could and settled down for the 12 hour bus journey feeling tired and very smelly and dirty! We hardly slept on the overnight journey, but saw amazing sights all the way - a lightening storm went on for 4 hours that was constant bright lightening, making the whole sky light up. I saw a gang of dogs tearing up another little dog (not nice), people sleeping in their stalls by the side of the road, we drove through a monsoon at one point, and finally ended up in jungle country! We have just arrived here now so I will write more about what we get up to in Chiang Mai shortly!!
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