Hey guys just a quick message to every1...were in Ko Phan nan, full moon party on sunday so starting to get pretty crazy round here. Were having a great time and we shall give you an update after the party as net is v expensive out here! Ps : Char - the cake was a clown called cyrill for Andys Bday, Bob - I love your messages but this is a family site so pls remember your manners young man! x
Hey Guys,
V Glad you are having a good time. Andy you know Zoe is amused by the smallest things so its no suprise she found a train journey exciting, have you two named anymore of your food yet? What was the pancakes name?? :)
Missing you both, there are good points to it raining, no burning!! Lots of love xx
For others reading this my other hobbies are football, motor-racing, tennis but not like bob put it, oh yeah and eating. My hair is just a full time job aswell as keeping bob from attacking germans.
Weekly Update:
(Toms now an alcoholic, justin said said he can't be bothered to write a message.)....Well we just had Brighton nuebs week and a few of us went down there for that. Went to Tonys belated birthday drink lastnight a decent but thin turn out. Everyones back to uni now (bobs finally fooked off) so that means more road trips due to the fact i get 4 days off now :D. Keep up the good living of being a traveling mardy and tell zoe keep up the good eating. Keep safe and be safe you know the score.
Your Compadre'
p.s. Don't delete the messages that was a classic convo. And send some pics.
i am refusing to put another message now because my messages have been deleted. good day to you.
Ang And Rich
Hi guys,
How fun is this! Good to read what everyone's writing and then I read that Rich talks about the curtains, bet your really interested! Glad to hear your having a great time, things here are pretty manic as you can imagine for the beginning of term - voice has already gone! Wedding plans are going well - just in limbo now untill about xmas time. I like your style with the pancakes Zoe - least you havent got any of us gannits (?) ready to swamp your plate! Keep us up to date and hopefully we can see some photos really soon.
Take care
Lots of Love
Ang and Rich xx
Lou (Of The T Variety)
yo yo yo!
a trannie show eh? Zoho I told you to keep Andy away from those ladyboy types! Shame theres been some rain, although Im sure Jess will be delighted to hear that the tanning process has been stalled. Glad to hear your having yourself some fun tho, miss ya lots!
great to read your latest update today - Zoe, people come back from these trips bronzed and thinner so watch out for these huge pancakes!! Soooooooo sorry to hear its raining!!!
Going to meet up with Andys Mum and Dad when Dad (Manns) gets back from Peru to swap guinea pig recipes!!
Hi there - we're getting tuc-tuc's in Brighton - don't know why you went that far when you could have got the train!!
Bet they have to pass a hundred safety regulations first though - unlike yours!
You may need to come home sooner before Ant goes barking mad! oops - too late! Dad is quite wrong - I shall pine away whilst he's spending the nights under canvas up a mountain at -7 degrees. If you still have bother loading photos he could put some Peru ones up for you when he's back.
Can't wait to see some soon and miss you both. Carry on having a ball. xx Mum
So I guess we'll have to wait til you get back to see any photos...
Well don't think we're all going to sit through some slideshow of your entire journey after you get back. You've got the lead - now plug it in - one end goes in the camera and the other goes into the computer!
Hope you're both having a great time. I'm off to Peru on Thursday so Mum'll be on her own for a fortnight - she seems to be looking forward to it rather more than I expected?!?!
See you
Dad xx
i didnt want to say this but......us Polish are fit for one thing....an invasion!
i'm in love with a guy called wilson but he keeps stringing me along, he used to have a love affair with roger federer but he promises me i'm the only one for him. sometimes late at night he can make a right raquet, but i dont mind. he loves backhands and is partial my big green balls. i think he might fancy my brother too.
horses, 3 points, white boot, clogs.....shall i continue?