hi guys - your car was really icy the other morning Zoe - not a problem you are having I guess. Jess and Fred here at the weekend - Fred has great big line of Steri-strips above one eye-his modelling career is finished before his third birthday!! both really well. love to you both
i need a holiday! do you wanna come bck for a bit of a swappie!
christmas is coming and i am getting fat. Well skinny to average.
a Week has gone by and my medication has run out..sorry jill.
so hows the oz ppl treating hope there being cool if not ill deport all of the uk immigerants there instead, even if it does mean flying them halfway round the world! I hate ozzie special ppl!!!! As you can see im pissed off considering we collapsed at the cricket..got a ticket it yet? no...done pics yet..no! Keep me posted. The Wop x
Hey guys its rachel here who you used 2 work with andy! sounds like ur havin a wiked time im soo jealous, im just bored on my lunch so thought id write a message.alot has changed at crawfords andy..scott and lindsey have left,im leaving on friday n christine has had alot of interviews but nufin just yet..but it wont take her long.Priti is back..wot a nightmare! neway enjoy urselfs and take care lv Rach xxx
tas been a long time so i thought i better send 1....Banstead still top.....charlton still bottom....i have my mocks this week so wish me luck :( cant wait..hope all is well and i expect to hear from one of you soon.... Gary xxx
What's a dobut?
Hi - waited in all Sunday evening so far, but no call - I wouldn't mind but Mum and I were due to go to bingo.
Things have got so bad for Charlton now that even Angela has taken to the bottle - had hoped we could have got a morale boosting draw in the FA Cup, eg Palace or Southampton away, but had to settle for Salisbury or Forest away - assuming it is Forest, at least we can enjoy the day out - if its Salisbury, probably have to settle for wandering around Stonehenge looking for a tout!
Keep posting on your site - look forward to seeing your beard Andy and no dobut your glowing tan Zoe, when you finally download some pictures
Must go now ( I have found the bottle opener) - hope to speak to you both soon.
Hi guys - looking forward to speaking to you later XXXXX Mum
Now where did i put that repeat prescription....
Good morning guys - or whatever it is when you read this!!
Put dad and harry on the plane last night so they'll be well on their way to you by now. Providing Dad didn't fall out with another shop assistant you should have a new camera soon- ATTENTION all other subscribers - we may have photos shortly!!!!!!
Message to Jess - I'm on my own for three weeks so stop by if you're passing. Message to Ant - you must take your regular medication. Love to you both xx Mum
Dan (Aka Heety)
hey dude! (and dudette of course!)
finally got the net sorted in brighton and the addy for this site!
hope you guys are all good, am again under pressure and behind with work at uni but whats new eh! :(
have read all your journals now sounds like your having a pretty amazing time im gonna have to go travelling after uni. cant wait to see the piccys so hurry up :P
have sent you an email so reply when you can so i can catch up!
take care guys and will check regularly for updates now that i can!
ciao mo and zo!
heety x
Jessie Woo
Hi guys as nasty as it sounds im glad there is rain as this halts zoes tannage for a while as i am out of fake tan!! glad your enjoying it very jealous as always missing my work emails and raps to get me thorugh the day zoe your be gutted to know your missing out on a xmas meal in the white lion / horseshoe on xmas eve were were undoubtedly get drunk and roll home and attending new years eve in Sheffield courtesy of Lou H, me lou h and kate are all going norwich this weekend very excited i have been a caged animal back in the Big C on my own the plan is to go wild adn make charlotte ashamed of her orange friend! will be worth the look on her face hehehe miss you G