Previously, when I wrote about The Collective it was centered around the fact that Square takes a cut from the crowd-funding phase and the distribution of the Runescape game as well. A one-two combo of unfiltered profit for the big publisher.Well, not everyone feels as if the service is out to be a profit-pilfering detriment to game culture, or more specifically, indie game development.
Tanya Short of Kitfox Runescape games reached out to us to talk a bit about the process of using The Collective and what her and NBA 2K18 MT Coins the team's experience has been like, so far.Kitfox is still on the first of three phases that The Collective utilizes: first it's about gauging engagement, then it's about crowd-funding and last is the distribution phase. Now according to Short, crowd-funding wasn't really the alternative they wanted to go with, as far as funding their game goes, but right now it's all they have until they can get into the Early Access program...
We haven't decided exactly when we're going to launch our crowd-funding. Ideally, we wouldn't [do a crowd-funding campaign] at all. I really wish there was some way we could survive until Early Access."I feel like we're making an amazing game and we just need to get there. But I feel really bad taking people's money until we have something to give them. Ah, humble indie devs. This is the sort of response that gets the Fry meme tossed up with the Take my money quote plastered across it. However, the process for the team, at present, includes getting as many eyeballs on the Runescape game as possible. For the most part, they are enjoying the community feedback and Short believes it offers better insight into how well the community would likely support the title, as opposed to something like Steam's Greenlight service, mentioning...
It's a little bit Greenlight'ish, for sure. I think they're still working out some of the problems. On Greenlight you don't get to see what some of the percentages are. If you have a thousand it's way more important than if you had more No [votes]. But what you really want are people who are excited about it, and it doesn't matter if there are more people who hate it than love it. I do admit, Greenlight is like a Buy NBA 2K18 MT Coins bag of tricks: sometimes the good Runescape games get through, sometimes the bad Runescape games get through.
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