Well arrived in Santiago, Chile, earlier today, and was ripped off immediately - was out was a*******s reckoning to work for tourist information, they are just trying to get you to use their cab - i say cab - it was more of an executive motor. They take you off to another cash machine away from the main building claiming it has cheaper charges, then they rip you off by charging a fortune. They originally wanted 10,000 pesos of us - approx 100 pound - they did´nt get it but they still did well out of us. Be wary of this as we have changed countries & currency so many times you are reeling with all the conversion rates when you hit a new place.
The driver was a nice guy though.
Then the Hostal turned out to be full!!!
Found a place round the corner.
Then the padlock combination had somehow changed and would not be open on kims bag. Fortunatly it was a cheap Wilko´s lock and I got it open with some pliers!
Anyways what happened at Carnaval I hear you cry!! I can´t actually hear you my ears are still ringing! I´ll tell you anyway.....
As our friend Gav described it, it was like a seven hour long cup final. The atmosphere was electric from start to finish! We went when the ´premiership` teams were on. The teams come from smaba schools from different areas of Rio and they spend all year on costume design, creation, theme & routine for this - the prize being a million pound or Real´s not sure which. They have to dance non-stop for 75mins down the parade ground and they finish when the last person crosses the finish line. For more info go to Anyway see the pics we took - alot did´nt turn out too great but theres some goodies. Of course from 6pm to 6am took its toll with but thanks to the help of beer and gin we managed it (kind of).
At 7am we made it back to the hotel in time for breakfast. Which we ate then straight onto the vodka and back out to Copacabana beach!! We arrived there at 8am and immediantly hit the beers, which is a good thing really as you need it for the collection of freaks and weirdo´s who frequent the place! Anyways at 9am the place was heating up and it was time for a quick dip or two! The water at Copacabana is pretty damn strong and once a wave has you its like being in a washing machine - no suprise then that after one quick rinse I looked like a drowned rat much to the entertainment of the locals - I was fully clothed at the time!!
Kim had a paddle.
Of course with all the drink it was not long before I was back in....
Another close shave and I was out playing footy with some locals on the beach - the girl playing with us put us all to sahme I might add.
Anyways more spirits and a cab ride we got back to the hotel to see some friends off back home, then staright to bed!
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