Hi every one
We are now resting our numb "you know whats" in Port Augusta SA for the night. We have had a couple of great days on the road.
On Saturday we got away early, couldn't sleep so we left at 8.30am. we made it to Melton by about 10.30 for a quick stop then we hopped back in the car and were in Horsham by 1.30pm. gee it makes a differance bypassing Melbourne and Ballarat.
We stopped for lunch with my Cousin Wendy and Boris it was great to catch up. We pushed on to bordertown and got there at about 4.30pm SA time. This distressed Steve as we were ahead of his spreadsheet hummm. Bordertown Caravan park was great with drive though sites and very clean facilities, the owners were real charaters too. Note to self make sure that you close the boot before you put the beds down (Steve!!!) when not disconnecting the car. setup time 20min.
Sunday again an early raise (except for James will need to purchase a crow bar at some stage if he dosen't get out of bed quicker) and off to Loxton just to get back in Steve's good books with the spread sheet. We stopped at the Loxton Big 4 it was again great with a very friendly owner and Kangaroos. set up 15min.
Loxton is lovely and I am glad we stopped the Murray and all the great fruit and vegies on road side stops is soo good. Unforutnatly couldn't by a bag of butternuts as I don't think they would make it around Australia but will make another trip for those babies.
Today early start again you would think I would know to sleep in but it was very cold in Loxton this morning and we thought we had a big day ahead of ourselves. Morgan was the first stop along the Murray and I think we drove passed the most fruit and vines i have ever seen with lots of oranges and almonds, olives and wine vines (sad but he wouldn't stop and I am on antibiotics) then we stopped at Burra for Lunch fantastic what a place the houses and the town is just beautiful wow I think we will be back as it was just fascinating.
then there was Jamestown with just a quick stop to take the photo of number one son and the sign Ho hum so many k's out of the way but he would have sooked for the rest of the trip. Oh interesting fact Jamestown is the birthplace of RM Williams.
so that brings you all up to date I will now try to up date some pics and it is pasta night. hopfully webber surprise tomorrow night.
- comments
Maddi Sounds great so far! You have gone so far already! Xoxo
bruce hi i have found off exploring but cannot work out how jie can pick up you sight on off exploring