Hello my love! Just wanted to drop a few lines to let you know that I will do my best to get that care package shipped out this week. It will have jeans, pjs, moisturizer, American confections and a few other items that I think you will like. Dad has even thrown in a couple items.
I really enjoyed the latest blog and pictures. I haven't had time to pull up the videos yet but I am really looking forward to them.
Aunt Peggy has started nursing school - isn't that Great! She is also on facebook now. Donna and Erin are taking great care of my "emotional mom" side. Everyone sends their grettings and are all excited for your return in July.
Much Love and many hugs!!!! Mom
Hi Carolyn! I wanted to thank you SO very much for the gifts from Japan. I was SO excited to receive them. I have the charm hanging from my dashboard since it wouldn't fit on my phone :) Any ways, thank you for your thoughtfulness and I hope you are having a blast! Don't worry too much about mom, I'm taking care of her as best as I can. :)
Love, Erin
Just a short note to say hello. You know this old geezer has never been a person of many words. I think about you quite often though and hope you are doing well. I am sooooo proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Have fun, study hard, but do take care of yourself. I've enjoyed reading about and seeing all your adventures in picture form. I know you've made a bunch of life time friends. Enjoy every minute.
"Much love & a big hug!!!!!!" Grandpa
Carolyn, You have certainly had a busy few weeks, but it sounds like you've had lots of fun. Thanks for the links to Greg and Amanda's videos; they were really good. The character makeup was very good! Please keep posting pictures and please tell Amanda and Greg thanks for the videos.
Much love and many hugs!!!! Mom :)
Hey Sweetie! I hope you're doing well. Please thank Gelsy for taking the picture of you beside the kiln; you look as though you are really enjoying yourself and doing well. :) I am glad you guys stumbled upon the parade - the pictures are really good.
Lots of love and many hugs - Mom
Hey Carolyn,
Sorry that I haven't been in touch. I thought my life would become less active with both Bruce and Alex in college. I don't know what went wrong. :) I have been keeping up with your adventures and it sure sounds like you are having a great time. I know that you will have a lot of studying ahead but I am confident that you will achieve proficiency with the language skills. Thanks for the pictures as well. I really enjoy seeing them. I don't think that I will get to travel to Japan so this lets me explore it with you. Be safe, hugs and love, Aunt Linda
Hey Sweetie! I agree with Donna. It sounds like you will have a difficult class load this semester; however, I know you will do well because you love everything Japanese and the artful symbols of their language will appeal to your artistic side. I love your blogs - the detail helps me understand and appreciate the challenges you face. Pumkin and Sassy (me too) send their "meows" along with many hugs and lots of love!!!
Hi Carolyn,
Loved today's blog! Sounds like you are having a blast over there! I SO "don't" envy you all of the study time. I can barely speak the good English...can't imagine how hard it would be to learn a totally different language. I hope that you make lots of new life-long friends and take in all of the culture that you can while you are over there. Good luck with your studies, call your mom "frequently" :) and keep "HOPE" alive....Donna
We are really enjoying looking at the pictures, keep them coming. It looks like a beautiful place. Enjoyed talking to you last weekend. Hope we can do it again soon. Have a great time but do be careful.
Love YA
Sweetie, I totally agree with you about the gardens and painted doors. It is awesome how the Japanese make functional items a display of beauty. Maybe we can go and visit the garden again in February. Please have a friend take some shots with you in the picture - it will mean a lot to you when you're in the US again. Lots of love! Mom
Carolyn, sounds like you are having a good time, Woody and I wish you the best, we know that you will do well in whatever you do. I am sure that by the time your mom gets over there you will have lots to show. Love the pictures and news. love, marie and woody woody is doing better, that was a sweet note you sent we love ya
That bow looked awful big, also I would tell then to put the targets down and not hold them in front of themselves. That seems dangerous. Why does that guy on the right have a duck head?