Hey Everybody - Greetings from a chilly place ... LONDON
Apart from a few setbacks i'm having a blast - Its defintely been an experience so far.
The weather has peaked at about 6 or 7 degrees everyday, but it doesnt actually feel that cold!
Its chilly but as long as i got my jumper and scarfe on its all good - plus Londoners love heating so its too extremes, one goes from freezing outside to sweltering inside.
Yesterday visited houses of parliament, big ben, westminster abbey, london tower but my favourite would of have to have been london eye. It really is amazing. If i could get my card reader to work i would of attached some photos but never mind.
Sorry to those who have tried to message me. AUssies using global roaming have been unable to connect in UK so hopefully Vodafone fixes that problem soon. Also i hope i get over this cold that i picked up on the flight and get my VISA debit card to actually work.
Well i'm off now - todays agenda includes Buckhingham Palace, Oxford Street, Hyde Park, LOrds Cricket Ground and Shakespeares Globe Theatre. Might try and squeeze in St. Pauls Cathedral if i have time.Tomorrow may include Premier League Game (jealous Chris?)
Missing u all - B!
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