Mikey and Hannahs Adventure
Langkawi, Malaysia
Hello people!!!!
Well we made it, to what can only be described as paradise!!
We had a small mission to get here though!! WE had to leave camp Cox at 3:00
in the morning after just 1:30 of shut eye. I had successfully managed to
fit all I wanted in to my bag but I don\'t think we got the whole
backpacking thing working just yet as we had enough hand luggage between
us for about 6 people!! Drove down to Heathrow and arrived about 6 hours
before our flight was due to take of so settled ourselves down at the
front of the queue to wait and check in. WE started of the s*** Head
championship and I won easily the first 3 times and then let Mike win to
make him feel better but he is and will continue to be a massive s*** Head
for our trip!! Said bye to my parents which was pretty horrible and
settled ourselves down in the departure lounge. Started to panic a bit
bout the flight and as I was really upset bout saying goodbye decided to
calm myself by taking a valium! WEll kinda didnt stop and think that we
still had 3 hours till our flight so I started proper flaking and falling
into hullucigenic sleeps on Mikes shoulder, SSIIIICCCKKK!! Got on plane
which I actually thought was pretty cool!! We were sat in middle 4 seats
and I had an empty seat next to me so lots of room, had a quick stop in
Frankfurt to refuel and then started the long long trek to Kaula Lumpa.
I have to say I did very well on the flight!! HAd one moment when we went
through some pretty bad turbulence and made me panic but other than that I
was good, just very bored!!
WE finally arrived at KL airport after 14 hours SMALL MISSION! The airport
was gorgeous, lots of tropical plants and trees everywhere! Got on flight
for LAngkawi and after a mere 45mins we arrived!! WEll for all you LOST
fans, imagine what the Island looked like when Michael and SAwyer where
looking at it from their raft, thats what it looks like! The airport was
tiny but again gorgeous, the big \"welcome to Langkawi Duty Free shopping
HAven\" sign was the best bit I must say! No seriously, there where loads
of tropical plants and flowers everywhere and everyone well well friendly! Finally got to our resort and seriously words can not describe how
beutifull this place is!! Our resort is like a little tropical paradise!!
When we got there the owners were like, \" ah Michael, HAnnah welcome we
have been expecting you\" and they put fresh flowers in our hair! WE were
shown to our little loveshack chalet, which is lovely! WE have bought the
duck lights with us so they are hung up and it looks very cool! You can
see in the phtos the little path that leads between the chalets, how
gorgeous! Our chalet is bout 20 meters from the beach and when we walked
there we were both completely speachless!! THe resort has its own private
beach area for us to chill and enjoy, the sand is white and the sea
crystal clear!! THe beds provided are nestled under loads of coconut tress
and there is a little massage hut which we are booked in to sample this
afternoon!! WE did a little exploring yesterday, after we dumped our
bags, and went climbing over some rocks (LOST styley) and found that the
beach extends the other side and it pretty beautifull, check out the
photos. THe weather is absoulutely boiling!! How you all doing back there
in England? Is it raining?!!
WE were absoultely knackered as we had been on the go for about 32 hours
but to try and stop the jet lag had decided to try stay awake till 20:00
HRS. (we arrived 12:00 Langkawi time), we went back to our loveshack bout
16:00 with the intention of unpacking then going and getting some food but
after laying down we suddenly found that it was 7:00 in the morning the
next day!! Any way dawn was jsut about to break so we got up and to the
beach to watch the sunrise and then went back to put our jogging clothes on
and set off for what will be our morning jog!! All part of the detox we
have planned!! Got quite far before we could run no further put then just
had a well nice walk.
Miike has actually turned into DAvid Attenborough and everywhere I go I have
been getting running comentary on all the wild life!! It quite cool
though we have been watching al the crabs on the beach, so far we worked
out ther 2 types, there are some that dig little holes in the sand and we
been watching them poke out and scutlle back down again and there are some
where you can see all their tacks and where they have rolled the sand into
ball after eating all they need out of it. There were so many creatures
around this morning, frogs, crabs, fish, starfish, lizards, birds it very
very interesting! There are also loads of cats and kittens at our resorts
and there tails all grow in knots which is a bit wierd!! You can see on
one of the photo\'s!
It is so unbelievably cheap over here, we can hire a car for 7 squid a day,
> vodka is 2quid a bottle( there go our detox plans!) and we can eat out
for a pound!! THere is loads of cool things to do aswell, so far we have
decided to go on an Island hopping tour, go on a Yacht for the day where
you get to swim with Dolphins, feed eagles, go in the on board Jacuzzi,
have a buffet on board and enjoy the free bar, then go to a private beach
and have a BBQ! We also gonna go on a Mangrove river safari, go
Paragliding, go snorkilling through all the coral, go to the night
markets, which are meant to be wicked, have loads of massages and
concentrate on getting some serious tans! There is lots lots more to do
too and it is all so so cheap!! He He!!!
Today is our 3rd day, yesterday we had a pretty chilled day booking a few
trips and just sunbathing really, we had a 750g seabass for our tea which
had just been caught and cooked right by us while we sat on the beach. Then
went to a Raggae bar which was pretty cool but when inquiring bout some late
night partying we were informed thatb they used to party till 1:00 but the
police came and locked it down because it was ruining the tranquil vibe
here, gutted, i think we are limited to getting pissed on our 2 quid bottle
of smirnoff on the beach!! Are well life could be worse!!
Today was pretty cool, we went on an island hopping tour, at the first one
we had this little walk where there were loads of monkeys playing around us
then we got to this big lake called \"lake of the pregnant maiden\". When you
bathe in it it is meant to bless you eith fertility....mike said i had to wear a wet suit. ;-)
we got a litlle solar powered peddlo which was cool as you
didnt have to peddle it, so Captain cox and Admiral Allport boarded our ship
and sped off at about 2 miles per hour!! It was fun though, until mike thought we
could go faster if we peddle as well as the motor - but then broke it....luckily it started
working again after ten minutes otherwise we would have been stuck there. after that
we then saw some eagles feedin and went to this other beach and had a nice walk!!
Tomorrow we plan to go paragliding(im getting quite brave arnt i) and then
Monday we are spending the day on a Yacht on the trip I expalined above. We
have seen that you can take a trip ti Bangkok or Phuket which sounds cool
but we need to look more in to that cos i think it would be quite a mission
of a trip!! SSiIIICCCKKKKK though!!
Anyway, think I have said enough for now, we will be keeping you updated
regulary! I already been getting home sick, we stuck on New Order\'s Blue
Monday earlier for a boogie and I was well reminising bout the loveshack
party\'s cant believe they are no more!! Great times while they lasted though
and we well looking forward to seeing loads of you in Oz, we can take the
partys to a whole new level!! Cant wait!!
Hope you are all good back home, we already missing you loads!!
Keep it real!!
Hannah and Mikey!!
p.s mikey will be writing the next installment! :-)
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