Hullo there. Still here? Good, you can read some more inanity whilst you're about. Grab a chair, go on.... QUICK, THE SHOPKEEPER IS COMING BACK, TAKE THE CHAIR AND LEG IT!!!
They went that way with your chair, Mr Shopkeeper
Anyway, the rest of you, listen up. We've had another few super days. Wandered up to Cleland Wildlife Park, a sanctuary containg the Aussie wildlife contingent - kangas, emus and potteroos (cute rats, bascially) that stalk you wherever you go. Again, you can get close to the relatively free-roaming animals and feed them (not the dingo's though, they are very much caged and out of reach).
A walk into the kangaroo-and-emu enclosure proved entertaining. Firstly, we were in there the same time as a large party of schoolkids. Naturally, schoolkids like to chase emus. Initially, emus would run away in the hope that schoolkids give up and turn attentions elsewhere. Sadly not. So the emus cluster, turn and run at the schoolkids, ensuring they went home with soiled underwear. The sight of schoolchildren screaming and scattering in all directions as a group of rather angry, rather large, rather aggressive birds come charging at them was rather entertaining. After a few seconds, there were no kids left. So they turn their angry attention to, umm, me (Mike). I am rather isolated at this point, as Tony, Lorna and Isabella are somewhat further up the field. Keen to avoid a sharp collision with a tetchy emu, I immediately identify the gate behind me, and proceed to swiftly place myself some distance behind that.
Order restored, we venture safely across the field, and encounter the opportunity to take what is surely THE GREATEST PHOTOGRAPH IN THE WORLD EVER!!!!!!!!
Oh it so is. It really is. Now, have a think - what would be in THE GREATEST PHOTOGRAPH IN THE WORLD EVER? Sunsets? Nah, they're great, but no. Landscapes? Same there, they can be brilliant, but not the best ever. Isabella looking really cute? Well, we're getting closer to the BEST EVER, but still no cigar (she's too young to smoke, you see).
Nope. If you think about it hard enough, you shall come to the answer. For those who don't have the time, then we can reveal that THE GREATEST PHOTOGRAPH IN THE WORLD EVER consists of...
A hare krishna feeding an emu.
Of course it does! And, dear reader, it's shortly to be uploaded to the photos section, keep an eye!
Yesterday, we did our long-awaited trip up to the Barossa Valley, one of the many winery areas around Adelaide - it's huge with hundreds of vineyards. With our plush limo as transport, we arrive in style and immediately let everyone down by clearly knowing nothin about wine (Tony excepted, who was in surroundings that must surely have been close to ideal). Managed to squeeze in 4 vineyards (or was it 5? But who's counting?), tasting a nice variety of vinos, ports and liqueurs. Sunny day too, lovely day all around with plenty of wine freeloaded by us. Tony bought cases of wine pretty much wherever we went, and we got a bottle of sweet wine and some rather lovely liqueurs, which hopefully will fit in the suitcase somewhere.
A trip up to the Adelaide Hills again today, where Hahnhoff, a pleasant German-ish village awaited. Very nice, but the plethora of Chinese restaurants and Asian furniture stores did detract from the impression of German-ness somewhat.
Our trip is coming to an end. Last night in Adelaide, the long journey home begins tomorrow. Probably one more update on this blog after the weekend. Speak soon, and hey - stay safe out there all of you.
Fact of the day - one of the Hanhoff shops had a board outside saying "we sell more than just knives!".
Good to know. Clearly the Far Right is alive and well here. Raise a glass to the Fuhrer!
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