The border crossing into Nicaragua was easy enough but the bloody Costa Rica side wanted $14 just leave, what a country that is..!! I'm glad that I stuck to my plan of just get in, out and across otherwise I'd most prob be home by now, skint..!! We get off the bus in Rivas, needing to get to a town called san juan del sur known for parties and late nights.. After the devil taxi driver before I became very stubborn and haggled until all the drivers refused to talk to me, I flagged a passing one down and sure enough he was cheaper.. Thank god as my companions where getting itchy feet and feed up of my taxi talk.. We had got talking to two Americans and they joined us to split the $15 cost, it was quite late and we where hoping for a hostel in San juan.. The one we got was pretty basic but only $5 a night with a private bathroom, this is a big deal in hostel terms believe me..!! The next couple nights we got a little tipsy with our American friends and chilled out, wasn't much more to do in San juan other than that to be fair so we soon headed to the glorious island of Ometepe.. Before we left I decide to get a trim on my barnet as it was just creeping into my eye line.. Now when I say trim that's what I wanted and in my best Spanish asked for, I guess at $3 a haircut and no scissors, I skin head at number 3 was what I should have expected..!! What a w***er I thought, me not the butcher, I should have just waited..!! Oh well like the trees and grass it will grow back, off to Ometepe we go.!!
Ometepe is an island made of two volcanoes in a HUGE lake, the boat across took 45minutes.. We found another real cheap hostel and then the rain started.! It feel out the sky like I've only seen in a monsoon in Vietnam.. We just had to chill out and wait, the next day the rain held just long enough to explore.. I jumped on a bike and road across the first part of island and round the volcano.. The villages that littered the island where tiny and hadn't seen to much tourist action.. Was quite strange being back in a climate where everyone stares at you and points.. That night the rain feel again and was predicted for the next couple days so we decided to head off to the capital Managua.. I wasn't too bothered about it but Ben was keen to go, it wasn't long an we soon headed to Leon and Las Penitas.. But all that can wait for the next chapter:
Hammock love, beach life and chicken bus fiasco's..
Peace out much love Micky xxx
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