Another sea day. I seem to wake up around 7.45 every day, even with the time changes. Fairly standard day today. Walked a mile, took part in the Battle of the Sexes, we're still in the lead but the ladies have reined in our lead a bit. I saw a large pod(?) of dolphins today, and the splash of something large, possibly a whale. I lost everything I entered today, the deck quoits, picture quiz, Masquerade Challenge and Syndicate Quiz.
Notification of the first of our two lunches for all of us on the full circumnavigation arrived today. It should be held in early February. The second will take place after Mumbai.
I've decided that tomorrow I won't sunbathe, I'll do other things instead. You'll have to read that blog to see if I succeed!
Three of the men on our table have agreed that we will take dancing lessons during the second sector to Sydney. Our fourth man is acting oddly, he seems to have fantasies and turns up late for dinner. Tonight he didn't appear at all. There is some speculation amongst us that he might fly home early, even though he's a full worlder. Clocks back another hour tonight, we're now 6 hours behind GMT. The sea is getting a little more choppy again.
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