Hi everyone, sorry i haven't written about the last weeks travel yet as the tour has been great and there's been heaps to do (even if that does include lazing on the beach at Sihanoukville!) I've been savouring hanging out with the group as tomorrow we cross the border into Saigon and i begin travelling on my own- which will probably mean i'll be on the internet more frequently- or at least enough to keep up with the blog entries!
Briefly, after Siem Reap we headed to a small desolate village on the Mekong river which was obviously not used to foreigners as they were the ones staring at us, instead of vice versa in the bigger towns!
From there we headed to a homestay in the jungle staying in a little wooden hut on stilts with mosquito nets to guard us from the gizillions of creepy crawlys.. I had a spider crawling over me which was enough.. the rest i can deal with but they have turantulas here! the locals brought them out as a dare for us to eat after dinner- most people ate them (they had been sauteed!) but no way in hell i was going to! apparently the legs tasted like crisps, but their bodies were soft and chewy- eeeewwwww!!!! There was also a ghost at the homestay that our local guide and the girls i was staying with saw...
From there we headed to Sihanoukville which is a beach town which was very small and chilled out! chilling on the beach for the entirety of 3 days was lovely; although i got slightly burnt.. :-(
We arrived in Phnomn Penh yesterday and head tomorrow. We checked out the Central Markets in the afternoon, the Tuol Sleng museum and killing fields today; then went to a Cambodian kickboxing match (apparently the thai's nicked the game from them!) lot's of blood and sweat. One boxer got kicked in the neck and was completely knocked out and was unconscious; and another one had a tooth knocked out from a punch.. thrilling but glad i was up the back! ha ha
Tomorrow - Saigon... My visa looks like it will be fine.. apparently tears and perhaps bribery will do it- otherwise i will be back in Phnomn Penh tomorrow night... but my guide reckons it will be fine to get me through!
The Intrepid trip has been true to it's name and we have been seeing the 'real' Cambodia, which has been great! Most of the hotels we are staying in are $6 per night guest houses so i've also had the opportunity to see what i'm going to be up for in Vietnam. The heat and humidity is as bad as a hot brisbane summers day.. everyone and everything smells lovely.. NOT!
I will edit this write more stories in detail and add photos in the next few days!
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