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Osaka, Japan
We had some great weather in Sydney, which made it pretty much a perfect long weekend. With 3 days to explore we hit the streets, starting at the harbour bridge and the opera house at sunset. Next day we drifted around Darling harbour, sauntered around the shops and even breezed through the Bday bash of Buddha himself, all under beautiful …
Mustafa Rotterdam heeft verschillende setlyn hoogbouw op vorm en kleur..En dat zie je niet in vele steden..Je hebt in rotterdam the Urban Life, en Rotterdam Woonwijken voor een meer rustige woon omgeving .Als architect moet je dingen composeren..Maar ik ben een grafische tekenaar lol..
re: photo from 13 October 2009Jutta dit :Inte9ressant. Ca doit eatre tre8s enrichissant d'enseigner deanvt un groupe d'e9tudiants de Sciences-Po de manie8re conversationnelle afin d'instaurer un e9change entre les deux partis. Pour ma part, mon prochain de9fi est de re9aliser une formation sur les re9seaux sociaux pour les 4 services de communications des e9coles membres de l'IPB (Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux) ainsi qu'au service interne e0 l'IPB. Il me faut leur apprendre e0 communiquer sur ces outils dont ils ne connaissent rien ou presque et le tout en un temps minimal. Challenge !
re: parallel with the cloudsshurti For travel in the UK, it's pblbaroy a Young Person's Railcard you want. a320 from any railways station. Many European countries have similar deals (such as the Carte 12-25 in France).Traveling abroad is trickier. Interrail tickets can be good value if you know what you're doing and plan ahead.
re: photo from 13 October 2009Himani flying saucer?
re: photo from 01 June 2010Dave Nan wants her tea cossy back.........
re: photo from 29 March 2010Sarah I hope you bought one of those hats! Fun AND practical!
re: penguin memorabiliaSarah Wow...looks so strange in the middle of all that green!
re: big bit of iceSarah Cool photo!
re: photo from 13 March 2010