Its been some time since an update!
I headed south from Oslo down through Sweden camping in a few fantastic places, stopping in Malmo in the South to spend the day changing back to off road tyres at the suggestion of the guys at the dealership that the German cops would be all over me with the bald road tyres i had on. Back to the knobbies to cruise round the Autobahn in Germany, awesome!
Rode over the bridge into Denmark. All my research told me that i would need a carnet (passport for the bike) but with just a small sign on the bridge and a cheer from the toll gate operator i rolled on with a smile on my face. A night in a robin hood type forest in the tent, hearing the crickets chirp under the fallen leaves and back on towards the ferry crossing into Germany. Again this was a matter of riding off the ferry trying not to get boled over in the rush of cars. I was pulled over later in the day by a german cop on the autobahn for a papers check. Pretty casual with the police checks these days I asked him for directions and when he handed back all my papers saying everything was in order my response was 'well, thats pretty handy isnt it!'. A passer by then approached me and began asking me all about the trip. Strange given that this was in german, earlier in the day someone else approached me speaking Danish in Denmark, day before that in Swedish, 2 days before that in Norwegian! I remember thinking, 's***, how many languages does this world want me to know!' Back on the autobahn with cars flying past at about 250km/h and got into Hamburg. A great time hanging out with Lisa, met some of her freinds, saw the sights and had great weather for the time there. Some indecision about wether to head west towards the English speaking world or south to Munich for Oktoberfest followed, the decision being to head west to keep a looped tour of Europe going. Stopped off and stayed a few days with Anthony and Marleen in Nijmegen (Netherlands) and got around on the weirdest bicycles Ive ever ridden, and had a good laugh gettin round. Also enjoyed some great cooking from both of them, they know the way to a mike's heart :) Dropped in overnight and caught up with Paulina and her boyfriend who kindly put me up despite me getting lost on the way and turning up really late. All this even though i bought a GPS navigator to take me around (this gadget has turned out to be priceless). I headed on through some of the small laneways and towns of the countryside into Belguim and without being able to contact a guy I was meant to meet kept riding through to France. I made my way to Dunkirk and got my tent setup in the caravan park. I saw the museum with history on the Allied evac in WW2 and walked along the suprisingly beautiful sandy beaches that i hear are common in this part of nthn france. I caught the arvo ferry over to Folkstone in England, pulled onto the left hand side of the road and got going in the afternoon sunshine to London. No problem finding Ryans place who welcomed me with cold beer. Ah, he knows the way to mikes heart too! We headed out and i got a taste of the crazy nightlife that is london straight off. Great to catch up with a lot more people here than i thought i knew. Seems to be the way with more aussies here than in australia i reckon. A few days of sightseeing followed including a trip through buckingham palace and pictures with the bike at her mag's joint - buckingham palace, sweet :)
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