i love the picture of aline in the pub. and the shot of you two cool dudes outside the theatre. leather jackets for a rock production :)
omigod. the opera house is amazing. mike, i can't BELIEVE you didn't shave for the ballet.
the italy pictures were incredible. painfully beautiful, i want to go there so badly. positano is GORGEOUS! and i love the shots of the beach in tropea. *sigh* going to look at the paris and london ones now!
Thank you for the postcard Uncle Michael and Auntie Aline!! Come home now...
Hi Michael and Aline.
We would love to see the pictures from Italy.
Cousin Carolynn In Hudson
Greetings from the finest B&B in Hudson... you remember Hudson don't you. Just had lovely blueberry bran muffins, tea, fruit and viewing your fabulous phots over our second, third, and forth cup of tea!
Glad you are having a wonderful adventure... keep at it.. now is the time before your equation gets too big ... i.e. mortgage, kids etc.
All is well... Uncle Ian and your favourite great Auntie are well, and a going concern as usual. I have to book time to see them!
All is well with me... work work work... but I think I have single handledly turned the world economy back in the direction it should be going ( cough cough)! Opening offices in Bahrain and Saudi right now... might get to go in the spring-- but dont worry, I have someone lining up a Saudi Prince at this very moment ( ya, like I could put up with a driver, palace, and shopping all day long...wait.. that sounds not so bad...?)
Be well, enjoy, and dont forget to assure your Mother that the world is a very very small place!
pee gumm goo tee gumm
italy pics italy pics italy pics italy pics
Your next entry should be in German with english sub titles! Any spring flowers blooming in Zurich?
I think i just saw myself doing a nose dive off the cliff in picture 3!! Man that was a day!!!
I climbed the stairs at home this week and saw a mountain of kids laundry.
You're such a boy. I love that you can go all the way to Italy, and 90% of the pictures you have taken are of cars and racetracks. Still cool of course.