Hi - looks fantastic and great bloggs - I fell like I'm there with you!!!! Keep enjoying yourselves and I bet your Mum can't wait to have you home for Christmas. Lots of love Snakebottom, Ian and Naomixxx
Geoff Love
Hi Mia and Dan,
Glad you enjoyed Oz sounds great. Thanks for your postcard which arrived 7th Nov. We had fun doing the jigsaw and deciphering the message although I still haven't seen the picture the other side because it is so tricky to turn over.
Have a great time in NZ and blog again soon.
Love from us all
G S L and J
Adam Bushell
hi mia and dan i hope u are have a good time all ur blog entrys seem to say that u have. where are u off 2 next. were all very jealous it is very cold here. we are all grouped together in the kitchen at home because its the only warm roon in the house.lol.send me an email when u can. lots of love adam.xxxxxxx
I guess you are still not keen on spiders then. I had to rescue one fairly chunky specimen from the kitchen sink last night.
Hope you are still enjoying Australia and look forward to hearing about NZ next.
Hey guys, hows your travels going? I'm on half term now - enjoying the time off work :-) I hope you enjoyed China!! I bet the time is flying by for you. You best be getting loadsa snaps :-) i want to have a good catch up with photos when you get back!! Missing you loads. Me and Spence are looking for holidays for next year :-) we were jealous that you're getting to see so much, well i hope you're both ok, lotsa love, Kaylee & Spence xxxx
Hi Mia& Dan
I hear that you are in Australia at the moment and your Dad sent me your blog which is fantastic. Hope you are having a lovely time (sounds like it) and remember to keep yourselves safe. Look forward to the next entry - lots of love Snakebottom, Ian & Naomixxx
Hav a gd time + enjoy it while you can. Ur lucky u hav no work, so bye
From ur crazy cus Jamie
Hi Mia and Dan,
It's 6.30 on Tuesday morning!! You're doing a lot of walking and I am sure you will need some new trainers by the end of your trip! You seem to be having a great time and hope it continues. I bet you dad would not have paid that much for a cuppa! Take care.
Love Sha
Hi guys, sounds like you are having a great time! i hope you are taking lots of pictures for us to see the wondrous sights you are describing. Looking forward to reading lots more!
Just to say this idea of a blog type thingy is amazing, I will look forward to hearing about your travels, nothing like living vicariously through your friends! have a great time both of you, Jess xxxx
Geoff Sharon Louisa + Jamie
Hi Mia and Dan,
Sounds like Beijing is an eyeopener of a city. Glad to hear you are living above ground now.