Allan you just click on the subscribe tab in the messages tab and it will send you an email when i update my blog :) haha it will remind you to stalk me!
I don't know how this thing works, do I get email updates or something like that? Gimme the deats so I know how to stalk ya while you travel lol
haha Tillie Oh lord Jesus its a fiirrreee! I was quoting it all Coachella! something to remember me by bags xox
I said lord it's a fiiiiire, sweet Jesus its a fiiire!
Thanks, can't get this out of my head now....
Andy, no has net affected my trip at all. Saw Charlie, Sharron and Ralph yesterday. Will Catch up with Ralph in NYC in June, looking forward to it :) Hope all is well in Paradise :) xx
Love you too Roby xx
Love you cx
Hope all the crap happening in Boston doesn't affect you Jess!