Today is the last day of the EF Explore Trip!!! I'm going to miss it so much, but I miss my family as well. My group and I planned having our last lovely breakfast with the group and having a smooth morning. That didn't go like that at all! I woke up by one of my group members in the hotel room yelling to get up. I rolled over and looked at the time, and it was 7:30! The time we needed to be on the bus by! Thank God we packed last night, so I threw on my outfit, grabbed my stuff, and ran downstairs. We were the last ones on the bus which was horrible. I had to do my hair and makeup on the bus! After that chaos, we headed to our last place with all of the group, which was another Smithsonian museum. Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to the Arizona kids because their flight was at a different time. After we said our goodbyes, we went to the American History one and it was very interesting! We saw the original Star-Spangled Banner and a lot of pop culture stuff as well. We spent a couple there, getting an expensive lunch there as well. By one o'clock, it was time to get on the bus and head to the airport. First, we went through security, hopped on a bus and got onto a very small plane, flying us from Washingtok DC to Philly, which was about 30 minutes. After that, we got off and had some dinner that we had to run to because we were in a hurry. We hopped on a plane that flew us from Philidelphia to Norman that lasted about 3 or 4 hours. Finally we were home! We took our last group selfie with my selfie stick and headed to baggage claim. When we got there, I looked for my mom and found her! I ran to her and hugged and kissed her, almost crying. We got my back and by that time my dad was here done parking the car. So of course, I ran up to him and started crying. We had to take my best friend home as well, Katy, so we got her stuff and headed home. It was 11 by the time we got all of our stuff, so we decided to stay in Dallas and get a hotel room. We stayed the night, ate lunch at Taco Bell the next day, and was finally home safe and sound loving on my dog. I loved traveling with my friends don't get me wrong, but I missed my parents so so much. That was the farthest and longest time I've been away from my family. I'm so glad I was blessed to get this opportunity and I will never forget this amazing experience. I would like to say a huge thank you to EF Explore for making this possible and a bigger thank you to Mrs. Cohlmia for putting up with us for 11 days. I don't know how she did it! I am truly lucky to have gotten this experience and all of the valuable information that can with it.
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