Meghan Roth
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Hello visitors and welcome to my online travel blog. Please enjoy my recent pictures, and check out my online travel journal!
This blog is to update my six week journey to Ecuador, South America. This summer I will be attending La Universidad Católica de Santiago in Guayaquil, Ecuador. This is the only catholic university in the entire country. I will be staying with an Ecuadorian host family. The purpose of this trip is to further my Spanish and learn about the Ecuadorian culture via immersion. I will also travel to the Andes, Quito and to the pacific cost.
Guayaquil is the largest and most populous city in Ecuador, as well as the nations main port. It is located in a bay off the pacific cost. It is a modern city with a colonial flair. The city is a short bus ride from the South American beaches of the pacific cost
Although there are many faiths represented throughout the city, Guayaquil is still predominantly catholic. Guayaquil is popular among tourist because of its history, location, unique regional dishes and art. In fact, many of Ecuadors most symbolic and prolific artists have routs in Guayaquil.
This free blog service is made possible by the Student Travel Association which is a great service to young people and students. The STA offers air tickets and travel packages around the world to students at discounted rates. I was fortunate enough to fly to London, fly home from Brussels and backpack Europe for almost two months after my semester abroad in London, England by using this service. Because of STA this opportunity was made affordable to someone like me. During my stay in Ecuador, I will be using STA for most of my travel needs.