As we set off with our new shiny India Visa's in hand we felt ready to attack Sri Lanka properly. With Cam an Alex our new New Zealand chums in tow we travelled back through the middle of the country to Kitulgala. Since we only had two weeks left we'd planned out pretty much every stop, this was incredibly organised for us and would be a real challenge, but it was the only way we were going to be able to see all the things we wanted. The beauty of travelling in a four was that everything was cheaper, especially travel whereby we could opt for much comfortable 4 person taxis, still at a super cheap price.
Out first stop was Kitulgala a small nondescript town up in the hills. We'd come here for some White Water Rafting and Canyoning, something as you may remember from previous blog entries that Bee had swore never to do again. Maybe it was the fact we were with our new friends or maybe it was the relatively mild 2-3 level rapids but Bee had somehow convinced herself to give it another go. And it proved to be the right decision! There were a few moments of sheer panic but then that's all part of the fun right?
An hour or so of bouncing down rapids was followed by our first experience of Canyoning. This is basically the idea of making your way down small waterfalls and gushing rivers with a bit of cliff jumping thrown in for good measure. It was an exhilarating experience and great because you could do things at your own level. Head first, feet first, pencil jump or extreme back flip / flop it was up to you. We've made a video than can show things far better than any words.
Lets just say we both loved it and will be trying to find something similar when were back in the UK.
The company we went with was called Borderlands and not only did they offer fantastic activites but you also got to stay over at their base camp overlooking the river. We had the run of the place to ourselves and the food was excellent. Best of all we got to sleep in heavy duty tents, falling asleep to the sound of the river and the assorted wildlife was a magical experience. Bee had overcome one of her biggest fears and Tim had fallen in love another adventure activity. Who'd have thought Sri Lanka would have offered so many thrills and spills.
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