Miesje & Janey get distracted by something sparkly
Many thanks for the postcard - nice to hear from you. Dad's 80th went well and so did the quayside farewell in Portsmouth (I'll try and send you some photos - what's the best e-mail for you ?). I'm hoping to go and visit the boat in August or whenever they weigh anchor for a while. No other news really - end of term and I'm off next week to deliver a paper at the Institute of Popular music in Liverpool. Wish me luck !!
Chubba Scruba
:( this is making me very nostalgic about our Scandinavian adventure back in 2004 Miesje. I think it was in Trondeim that our Norwegian ambience was ruined by a man in head-dress playing pan pipe music - so watch out that doesn't happen to you guys this time.
Safe travels
Smelly Brown
Alright Grotbags?
Well done for still doing the blog - i think i managed 2 so you're doing well. I'm planning on taking your bike on its first night time adventure tomorrow meesh. I wonder what it holds in store for me!
Rave safe. And please put up a photo of the one pieces asap.
Hey guys, don't know if you heard but me and Han had to delay our trip by 5 days because the Veitnam embassy didn't send our passports back! We had to physically go and get them from London! I blame you and your good experience with them!
Anyway were really going tomorrow now! YES!
Mummsie (Chafer)
Hello girls, I am sitting in the library at Alton College showing one of my students your blog. She would just like to say that it sounds like you are having a whale of a time, enjoy your selves. ( I also hope that you are not dead!!!! x Mum) and Elsa xx
Moggy The Mog Cat
im glad to see your keeping us nice and up to date!!!!!!!
hope your not dead!
Sexy Clare Beast
what a blog!
Hello smellys!
Where are you now? Hope you're having a on of fun!