I just got my postcard thanks for sending it to me.
hope your having a great time so far
From your mate Campbell
hi Isla
your not missing out on enything just snow a work charlie modo [laps make you fat] lol miss you lots
Lilli And Matlida
Hi are you having a great time hope you are enjoying your trip. the other day over night it snowed and snowed and in the morning it was so thick when we played in it coved our feet. we really miss you I
Isla and family
From Meg And Amy
Great blog guys!
Lightning Bolts
We can see you are having lots of fun without us....we are all working hard, looking forward to some Golden Time this afternoon. We really enjoyed looking at the photos especially Callan's melons and his long hair and wish we could have a waterfall like Isla was in back here - except that it is so cold. No news yet, will check in again next week! Oops, except for the snow, Tony's backyard was really white and the hammock was one big white piece.Have fun in the sun!!, Love the Lightning Bolts
i hope you have a great time
ps great blog
Lilli And Matlida
Hi McKay Family
we are really missing you and having fun looking at your blog and photos. we also liked callans melons.The underground pool was awesome we would swim in it.
from Lilli and Matilda
hi McKays
we are missing you.we love the photos. i hope you are having a grate time.
Meg, Amy Rosie, Emma
Dear McKays
we hope you are having a great time and dont have to much fun with out us!! we had snow on wednesday and we built a snow man!!!! callan are you going to get a hair cut any time soon because you need one!! and also nice watermelons cal!! The b team in netball need u ISLA to play, we are kinda loosing EVERY week so far!!!
hi isla
really missing you, r u having fun. the school is not the same without isi. can u belive it snowed in dunnstown
Meg And Charlie
Dear McKay's
hope you are having a great holiday and fabulous photos. we are missing you.Thanks for the card Isla. FROM MEG AND CHARLIE