hay goys me declan the tent looks good its not the same without call
Hello McKays! We have been making popcorn. I will tell you about my weekend. On Saturday i went to my friend's house. I traded football cards with Will. We watched the Dockers vs Sydney and Tigers vs G.W.S.
Hi Paddy and Kade. It's Tierney here. We have been making popcorn because we have been learning how to write procedural texts. I went to the MCG on Sunday. Melbourne and GWS played. Melbourne won. Hope it's warm up where you are. It's cold here but yesterday was really sunny. Tierney
Casey & Lola
Hi Paddy and Kade, Are you having fun in the sun? We made popcorn. We also made potato people. Our school got robbed. Two computers were damaged. They must have been scared by the alarm and dropped them outside when they were running away. Patrick Clarke's dad came and fingerprinted everything. Have fun.
Bye, from Lola & Casey
Lyna & Bonnie
Hi Paddy and Kade. It's Bonnie and Lyna. We had a great win on the weekend in football. Also at school we made popcorn with Mrs Lewis. It was delicious. We wish you were here so you didn't miss out on any thing but you guys are having the best holiday ever. We miss you guys. Hope you're having a great time.
Hi Kade and Paddy. On Friday we made popcorn with Mrs Lewis. It was really yummy. On our first combined schools day we made potato people. It was great fun. I named my potato person Chelsea. We hope you're having a great time.
Frankie & Sophie
Hi it's Emma Dash. Are you having lots of fun Paddy and Kade? On combined schools day we made potato people. I named mine Nicole. What would you call yours Paddy and Kade? On Friday we made pop corn. Did you know be for you put the popcorn in the popcorn maker they are called kernels? We wish you were here. Bye for now Paddy and Kade.
Frankie, Bonnie And Oscar
Hi Kade. It's sunny in dunnstown today. I loooove your photos. The dunnstown under 12s had a good win yesterday.
Maree Auchettl
Hi Sal Nic and gang. Just been reading your blog and looking at the photos. It all looks amazing and your photos really give an insight into what our great country looks like.
I've just been to Darwin, Kakadu , Catherine and Litchfield so will be interested to hear how you like it. Safe travels.
Hi gang,
good luck for your big trek across no mans land. Keep ya wits about ya x