Day 26: Putting O Cebreiro in Our Back Pockets (Trabadelo to O Cebreiro)
There is a lot of reading material that paints a very daunting picture of O Cebreiro; John Brierly, the waffly old goat that wrote my guide called it 'the most demanding hill you can imagine'. In actuality it wasn't too bad. Me and Paolo, feeling buoyant that our legs had been fine over the past two days, fancied a challenge and wanted to give O Cebreiro a whopping: we scaled the whole thing in 40 minutes and were very sweaty and pleased with ourselves at the top! Near the top we crossed into the last region of our walk: Galicia. The Galicia region stretches right to the western coast of Spain now so I am looking forward to some great sea food which the area is renowned for. I tried octopus in the Logrono tapas district and loved it so I am looking forward to drying some more of that as we get nearer to the coast!
With the pitiful climb behind us, we were greeted by stunning views and a wedding ceremony at the summit. I have never seen such a perfect place for a wedding ceremony and the obligatory photos that follow (except of course Amy and Mike's ceremony next year).
Enjoying a cerveza with Paolo while we waited for everyone else we got chatting to some American students and two girls from Scandanavia - we had a good giggle with the sun on our backs until the albergue opened.
Later on in the evening Paolo endeavoured to teach me a long list of Napolese swear words, I feel very well equipped should I ever find myself in a road rage situation in Naples.
As another interesting quirk, before bed I swept off for a shower only to find that the shower cubicles had no doors or curtains or any other such modesty saving entity! Halfway through my shower, a German chap made me aware of his presence by leaning discourteously against my cubicle door way and commenting on my ass tattoo! Jumping in an alarmed fashion at hearing his voice so close to my naked frame I accidently stood on my c*** and the whole episode was very embaressing.
It's supposed to hammer down tomorrow, to e to get the sexy anorak out again!
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Amy Ha!