Day 19: I Can Smell Leon! (El Burgo Ranero to Mansilla de los Mulas)
Walking in torrential rain again wasn't exactly idyllic. The sun sat stubbornly behind a ceiling of black clouds while the Gravel and dirt paths continued to slide underneath out feet in their linear fashion.
The walk today was a spritely 20km, the same as tomorrow. I could absolutely do it in one stink of 40km but I'm reluctant to leave the group and as I have no need to rush now as I've cancelled Madrid then I would rather give my knee and feet a bit of a rest.
Around 11am the clouds finally creed themselves out and a fierce sun shine hit the nape of our necks once again.
Our albergue in Mansilla de los Mulas is only costing us a mere €5 and its actually really nice. Apart from an annoying loud group of arrogant Italians (standard) the whole setting was idyllic. With quite a bin of time to while away we settled down to a bit of a sunbayhe with a pack of cards and some fantas.
I found myself missing my family a lot on the walk today and was quietly glad that we were passed the halfway mark, I am very much enjoying this experience but I wouldn't call it a holiday and I certainly wouldn't call it easy.
I'm really looking forward to Leon tomorrow!
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Amy Miss you too twinny!