Miki's RTW trip
About Michela
As promised, here's my last update.
I've been back for almost two months now and it's been pretty hectic. I've been travelling more than I did when I was travelling! I went to see friends and family all around Italy and it was truly lovely, but I must admit I am now enjoying a bit of solitude at my father's place on the coast, where the su…
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New blog entry posted
Formia, Italy
As promised, here's my last update.
I've been back for almost two months now and it's been pretty hectic. I've been travelling more than I did when I was travelling! I went to see friends and …
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New blog entry posted
Buenos Aires, Argentina
So my 19-month round the world trip is coming to an end. About time, some of you may be thinking :-) In seven days I'll be on a plane to Italy and it feels good and weird at the same time.
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Queen of F. E. I will miss you incredibly my little apprentice :-). Enjoy your last week and we will just have to make the most of having you here for just a few days more. GOOD LUCK MANANA - Go Miki goooo!!!!!!!! xxxxx
re: Buenos Aires, Argentina- last visited

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Michela has not added a travel plan yet
Helen What a beautiful blog - perhaps you should get a job as a writer...