have already messaged you on fb but just checking out your blog, its a very good idea lol.
sounds like your having great fun - im very jelous.
keep on enjoying yourselfs. miss you loads and love u xxxx
hello maxi-pad and sam, sounds like your having a fab time! did you not have a go on the harley max?? and if no-why not!!?
mum felt bit lost this weekend not going out with you-i mean if you think about it-every weekend leading up to you going-she went shopping with you!!-so took her out-bless her.
not to sure on the new harry potter flim-bit of a let down- but see what you think-when u get back
well i'm on a new diet and been really good-going to be stick thin when you return!!!!- i wish!!
speak soon xxxxxxx
Hi guys! sounds like your having an amazing time! hope your both ok! I can not wait to see the pics of Sam on a Harley davidson! lots of luv xx
Hey Everyone!!!!! Am missing you all sooo Much And Guys i would kinda like a nice packet of salt n vinegar twirls please!!! HA HA! Just to inform you we have not seen any spiders!!!! that one was in the guys loo soo obviously were not goin in there! so im cool at the mo, had an awesome time on this 3 day trek and met some really nice people bit sad that we will never see any of them again!!! bout to book the big red rock now soo well excited does mean however another night camping why did we not bring a torch!! It is Also Freezing!!!!!!! cant believe how cold it is in the middle of nowhere!!!!! love you lots we are now trying to update our blogs seems to be a few troubles!!!!
hi guys! hope u r all ok! been sleeping in the outback the last few nites! nothing but red desert and trees for thousands of miles! has certainly been an experience! was rele good actualy apart from the spiders! but luckily we only saw one red back poisinous one which was luckily in the mens toilet! we also got to hold 2 snakes a massive great thing and a small one, swim in these hot springs and we also met one of those biker gangs at a gas station on the highway and i had a ride on his harley davidson motorbike up the highway! was a funny site but good fun! hope u r all ok. we are goin to uluru 2mo hopefully so will be in touch in a few days time wen we get to cairns, which we have to get a flight to. lots of love to u all xxxxxxxxx
Chloe, George, Andy, Tam
Hello Aunty Sam
We hope you are having a good time. And we hope you are ok.
have fun.
Lots of love from Chloe, George, Andy and Tam xxxx
Hi Maximus
I'm glad you have arrived safely, the office is not the same without you.
Loving the blog, we have a new map of Aussie in the office, with colour!!!!! So we can follow your travels. It's lunchtime here oooppss!!!! No it's not, time to get back at it. Chat soon x x x
Mummy W
dont worry bout you car its having a great workout! been shopping! the sofas are very nice and charlotte is master of cushion placing and zoe says no re-arranging when you get back. matthew got his keys today and will be moving in.
Have a great time , thinking of you love you loads
Mum xxx
Mel, Kimberley&ben
hi, glad to hear you made it safely. hope you enjoyed you comfy night in the hotel. have a great time and we look forward to reading all about your adventures. luv ya loads xxx
sorry i put my name thought i was speaking to someone else xxxxxx
hi to u both glad you arrived safely missing u already was it a nice hotel make the most of it it will not always be as good everyone here are good l iwas so pleased to hear from u so was dad speak soon luv u loads xxxx
Carla, Kelly And Denise
Whats a dunnie?! lol we are so confused about what time you landed English time? Glad you got there ok. we are going to Tring at lunch do you want anything from M&S lol? Not the same at work without you, miss you loads.