OMG sounds awesome will have to see that one sounds like the best film eva!!! sweeny toddness!!!!!
George + Julie
hi sam
been keeping up with your tour it sounds great ,be careful in those big cities and have fun
g'day to you both x x
guess what!?!
2010! Alice in Wonderland!
Directed by Tim Burton
With Johny Depp as Mad Hatter!
and Helen (Burtons wife person, dunno her last name) as queen of hearts!!!.
haha, whatever you say max,
and you make fun of my musical preference!
i didnt choose the song!!!!!!
well maxine one question, i've seen a video of karaoke on the bus, but seriously, why that song??
..'it burns burns burns'!!!!!
Aunty Denise
Hi Sam,
Lovely photo's, brings back memories for us. We are back in Spain now, Hawaii was lovely.
Enjoy and stay safe.
hey again,
im sure this is all i do haha!!!
charlotte i have already guessed ur always in bed!!!! even thou i do ring at like 11!!!!! i have heard thing bout u tooooo!!! something bout the eyes!!!! finally!! haha!
call me jessi from now on from woodys round up!! i am awesome on a horse!!! lol!
just wanted to say hi to everyone!!
hello sams mum and dad!
Hi sam
lovely to hear from you yesterday dad and i are glad you are having such a good time do not forget to ring uncle mick in plenty of time take care luv to max xxxx
ello Max!,
keep missing your phone calls, but its summer so of course im in bed as always, besides i get told everything by mother.
horse riding i see, first a car and now a horse, i wonder what mode of transportation you cant master,
anyway, byebye xx
howdy partner, reach for the skies!!!!!!!!
Bruv, please tell pippa i soo wanna go horseriding and no, i am no longer in pain, loved being a cowgirl i now wanna be one when i grow up!!! haha!!
funny u mention ur new house i brought ur house warming pressi today jus hope it comes home in one piece!!!!
miss the kids loads, let them know, ALL THE KIDS amy,tommy,kimberley,ben,jenna,libby and dan lol!!!!!
bye for now!!! xx
Maxi's Big Bro
hey sis, sorry i haven't been on for a while but i rarely get a signal in my new house. great to hear you had a good time bieng a cowgirl, pippa say's when you get back if you want to go riding she'll take you. Are you still walking like john wayne?????????