WELL.... hello to u all!!!!! i am now writing from Sydney the day before we jump on yet another plane to head off to melbourne.
We have yet again been up to lots since we last blogged ya!!! we decided that our time in Bribane was over and a faster way to make it to Sydney without using the oz experiences 3 day route was to jump on a coach and cut it down to 2 days, we therefore first had to decide where to stop in the middle, we chose Coffs harbour, a little town between the 2 places and a 9 hour drive away!!! so on the coach we got and drove for what seemed a lifetime, cut down however by the nice driver showing both mr deeds and the mummy!!! to keep us all occupied, we have not been used to this in all the time we have travelled the country so it was good!!! we get to coffs at half 9 greeted thank goodness by someone from our hostel to drive us there we were relieved as this was quite a far way away from the station. check out was half 9 the next morning and our bus was not till 10pm that night so we had a day free to take a stoll through the town!!! this is where i saw my first husky of the trip woo hoo lol!!!!
with the bus delayed a cold wait was ahead but before we knew it we were attempting the most uncomfortable nights sleep yet!! we thought camping was bad well this came into 1st place, sydney soon was in sight however and we were left with our stuff at half 6 in the morning in the centre of Sydney!!!! we found our acommadation with the help of a taxi, and headed to sleep for most of the day!!!!!!!!
since then we have just been exploring the area and taking some cool snaps yesterday saw us outside the opera house and harbour bridge before been whipped over to Bondi Beach!!! thats right we saw Surfers!!!!!!!
anyway guys hoped this has updated ya and will speak again soon
miss u all xxxxxxxxxxx
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