good'ay all we now in Australia and the weather is quality , we arrived in Melbourne Sat after leaving New Zealand behind, we had a quality time over there with bungy (thanks buddy) and got some amazing memories of it all, im looking at going back to do the south island when iv got the bucks ofcourse, so we arrived in Melbourne where ells aunt marie was there to take us to her place in Traralgon with is south about 2 hrs from the airport, we didint get to see any of the city but we going back after doing the red centre (which is about 4-5 days driving away), thats the thing with this country its so vast and flying to places is the norm due to the distances apart, most of the peops live around the coast but i think driving about we will see a lot more and meet new peops, ok after we arrived we dropped our packs off then had a walk to the local cricket ground, bear in mind england had just been thrown a beating in the ashes and im a englishman walking into their hood lol, i had some ammo to fire back just incase i got too much stick, i must admit the Aussies where amazing and england just didnt turn up, never mind im a footie fan anyway, soafter watching the game and the scent of an english man was in the area i met a few of the team and the 1-liners started from there, they are all good blokes just having a bit of banter, maries husband Davin is a keen player and well into it so a few lessons are in need for me, its amazing where we are staying there is kangaroos in the garden most nights, we went for a trek the other day and seen loads, they are hugh and can kick off if alarmed so kept a good distance, oh yeah seen a Koala tucked away in the tree, they look like big teddy-bears, weve been to the beach at inverloch which is about 1 hr south and the beach was class, white sand, the weather was about 35 but the water was a wee bit chilly, weve enquired about going the red centre but its gonna cost about $1500 each (too much for the budget at the mo)so we gonna do great ocean road then look for work in Melbourne, Sydney then go do the red centre, alice springs etc, i think we gonna buy a car then travel that way instead of the buses n trains due to the distance i would prefer to stop when we want etc, im looking forward to a bit of work, i aint done nothing for about 2 months, its been beaches, partys and chilling, its been class im totally enjoying travelling thou and thinking about using the full year if we find a cushy job, so we where meant to be flying home may/june but just see how things go
,great to see your all checking my site out, Rob, sarah n lukey hope all is well (whats happening with rangers lol ) will update soon dudes, see ya.
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