Hey Everyone!
Happy new year if i hav'nt spoke to u already. Arrived in Bangkok last night after a grueling 10 hour journey from the island of Koh Tao. Experienced some of the craziest bus driving to date but arrived alive. We stayed longer than anticipated in Koh Tao as got slightly obsessed by the scuba diving and decided to take our advanced course (ur fault Mr Jeffries!). Was plenty of theory to learn which was quite intense (as we're supposed to be on hols!) but well worth it as we went night diving, deep sea diving to 30m and sore some rather fancy marine life.
Also took part in our second Full Moon Party for new years eve which was cool (ironic as their was actually no moon at all!). We even decided to participate in an 'Eco Dive' the next day (no hangover of course!). This involves sweeping the ocean floor for rubbish and potential threats to the fishies. Felt good to give something back to the waters we have been so lucky to enjoy the last few weeks. We found beach towels, beer bottles and plenty of fishing wire. Just call me 'Ace Ventura'.
Went for 8 hour wonder around Bangkok today. Great city, so full of life. Food stalls everywhere to keep hunger at bay, tuk tuks racing for tourist attention and temples galore. Visited the biggest shopping centre in Bangkok (u'd be in orbit Becky!Even after all ur shopping spree's recently) and spent no money. Pure discipline.
The highlight of Bangkok for me so far has to be a place called Luphini Park, which has a huge lake, luscious grass and an outdoor gym! Always wanted to train in the great outdoors with the added bonus of decent equipment and nows my chance. Closest thing to Muscle Beach, LA! So we're gonna check it out thursday and get our flex on.
Also gonna check out the local nightlife this week before heading off to Cambodia at the end of the week if we can get hold of anti-malaria tablets (bit of a struggle outhere).
Will post photos as soon as can find correct software.
Hope ur all good
Bye 4 now Ducky X
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