Hellloooo everyone!! Its been a bit of time since our last blog so sorry if its long....
Pai was boodiful; lots of mountains and rivers and waterfalls :) We spent the first day exploring after the drive there. Rented a motor bike :):):):):):):):):):):) (Cherie is a muuuuchh better driver wooooopppp) We stayed in a hut (quite nice with air con too) only until we woke up to something trying to knaw its way in...very scary! In the morning we moved....nice normal hotel :) That day we swaped our motorbike for a push bike and took a rural path through the mountains and paddy fields. BEAUTIFUL! In the early evening we went to collect our washing only to find she had given it away to 'our friends'!! In the end she went zooming around Pai looking for all of our clothes and ended up actually bumping into one of the people who had accedentally picked it up (how crazy is that??) Spent the evening listening to a live Thai Band and having a merry few. Next day we did a wicked tour of Pai! Started at one of the water falls and we went to see the canyon and a coffee shop on the side of a mountain (goood coffee and goooood view!) and we got to swim in hot springs!!! OMG BOILING- in some places 80 degrees!
The next morning we headed back to Chaing Mai- worst drive ever! The road went over moutains so we were all suffering from motion sickness in the back! In Chaing Mai we booked up the next five days spending 80 quid each in one travel what a killer!
In the morning, after a good nights sleep, we started our 2 day trek... Started with an hour long ride on an elepant (called Ellie) who was massive cos she was preggers! Then a wickedly hard walk to a waterfall where we got to swim (amazing) and have a break :) We then walked (hiked) to the hill tribe where we were staying over night. In the evening over candle light our tour guide kindly was offering his specail whisky...he was crazy! Up in north Thailand they boil cannabis and opium to make moon shine....and all the tour guides were high as kites! The next day (with a different tour guide) we went bamboo rafting and more hiking! All good fun! We arrived back to Chaing Mai for a goood sleep!
Next morning we woke up head off white water rafting. OMG ITS WICKED!! LOOOOOVE IT! Level 3-4 to start us off with BRILLIANT! Matt however nearly tipped us over when he decided to steer us down the rapids. The poor fat man (rambo as they say) sitting upfront was terrfied! Then in the evening we got straight in a mini van for a 5 hour drive to the Laos border. Got accomodation from about 1:30 am to 7 am where we were given a free breakfast...DONT EAT FREE BREAKFASTS. Crossed the border and waiited FOR AGES for the 2 day slow boat to set off. The boat was rammed! The first day we were both extremely poorly but after a trip to the pharamacy and a nights rest we were much better and ready for the long day ahead! Was great fun the second day; met loads of wicked people. Right now we are travelling with two aussie sisters (sally and amy) who are wicked. Finally arrived and found a cheeeaap place to stay- literally 3 pounds for the both of us a night! wooow.
Gonna spend the day exploring maybe go to swim in a water fall:)
Hope everyone is well!
Looooove xxx
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