So, you made it out there safely, and are having a ball by all accounts. Glad to here it! I wasn't surprised to read there was still mountains of snow when you were in New Hampshire a while back, according to our friends out there, the last of it only melted two weeks ago! Shame Detriot was a bummer - the airport there is pretty nice though, if you ever go back! Look at it this way, at least you can say you've seen where Beverly Hills Cop was filmed!
Keep having fun mate!
Mark Shandrow
Too bad you missed Pittsburgh. That is a great city. Excellent music and beautiful city with some great post modern architecture. I am in England now. Let me know when you plan on arriving in SoCal. Maybe we can go to Mexico or I can get my friend's 5 bedroom house in Truckee to visit. I just need some advance notice.
Getting a sore thumb sticking pins in the map trying to keep up with you!! Cant believe how much you are doing and what a wonderful time you are having, while we slave away over here in blighty. Keep enjoying and stay safe.
I think the photo score: Washington 26 Detroit 2 sums up your impressions. You are turning into a bit of a Bill Bryson, keep up the the interesting social observations. Happy travelling .....
Oh. I'm in Milwaukee 5/5 to 5/9, not sure where you are heading, but the other side of the lake is quite nice. And I would imagine that after Detroit you are going to hit Chicago, MWK is 2hrs North.
Detroit interesting city, never had chance to visit personally, but I seen plenty of episodes of Cops to know I'm not missing much. Welcome to America, wait until you get to parts of the least there are some nice cities along the way.
Dude, I am now in possession of your ride and I'm ready to pimp it!! Will do my best to get you a big wedge of dosh for your motor (which, by the way, I really like - nice wheels).
Sounds like you are having an amazing time. In contrast Britain is wet and grim, although getting warmer. This island does not have enormous green chicks - you ain't missing much.
I have booked my European extraveganza - set off on the 28th of July to Stockholm, followed by Berlin, Prague and Dublin. Not sure it's worth blogging though, I'll never be able to compete with your good self.
How could you write a blog about Rhode Island and not get in one Family Guy reference??
Keep on trucking
Auntie Mary
Were you rally surprised to be the token white person on the Greyhound? You will probably be doing that a lot more. Sounds like you're having a great time. Don't forget to let us know if you want a home cooked meal and lodgings for the night as I am sure between us we can find you a place.
Delighted to get the postcard from Niagara - keep enjoying life.
Uncle Steve
In your picture on the Little Rock you are standing under the Talos missile - I spent 13 years working on that system on three different ships Chicago CG-11, Columbus CG-12, and Albany CG-10. The ships I was on were double enders - Talos forward and aft. The Little Rock is a single ender, Talos aft. Anyway if you look above your head, you will see the radar I worked on; the AN/SPG 49B. It was the target tracker for the missile. The little one below the radar is the W2 which was the actual missile guidance radar. My radar tracked the target and the W2 guided the missile. I actually had orders to report to the Little Rock in August of 1976 but the Navy decided to decommission it and my orders were changed to the USS Albany CG-10. The actual Talos missile system was decommissioned 30 September 1978. I am glad you are having such a great time - you take care and make sure you keep in touch!
Doubtless you will be back to explore Canada another time! Was that glass floor walk a practice for the Grand Canyon Skywalk? Enjoy Atlantic City (and your own room) and .... keep blogging