So we got the train to Hanoi from China without too much trouble, although it did seem a bit touch and go at the time. Firstly our tickets had the wrong train number and time on it. Secondly, we asked a million people and couldn't find out what time the train crossed the border because our visas weren't valid until after midnight. In the end we turned up at the border at 11.30pm and they were nice enough to stamp it anyway. LUCKILY! Then when we arrived in Hanoi the train station was in the middle of nowhere and it was 5am so again we were lucky enough to meet some Chinese people who gave us some money and got two separate buses with us and showed us where to go on a map. We still got lost.... for two hours. On the upside it turns out Vietnamese people enjoy exercising at 5am in the street. Very bizarre to see all these woman with music blasting out doing aerobics across the road from each other, people playing badminton on the pavement and just general activeness.
Eventually we made it to the hostel and Kat arrived a couple of hours later. We spent a couple of days in Hanoi and it is HOT. Elle and her sister had hung back on their trip a couple of days to catch us so we spent a day with them which is nice. They're so funny they contradict everything the other one says. "Was it good" Elle "No" Rosie "Yes".
After that we took a tour to Halong Bay which was glorious and was wicked to get to swim. Willsy and Blower were in their element backflipping off the top of the boat. We got to sleep on the boat one night and then a place called Monkey Island Resort for another. We Kayaked, hiked and cycled. Weather was a big rubbish, cloudy on the first day, windy and rainy on the second day. But its been a bit like that generally for the last five weeks really. COME ON SUNSHINE. We have discovered that Vietnam sell a litre of Vodka for 2 pounds which tastes actually alright and not to forget the cheapest beer in the world, 15p a pint.
Kat's birthday today and we're back in Hanoi so we were thinking of paying to get into a posh hotels swimming pool and lounging around for the day with books.
I've tried to put photos on facebook, but do not have the patience for it. I will get round to putting the Chinese ones on eventually but Kat is documenting our trip pretty well (as all who know her can imagine). Shes been here five days and has taken a hundred. We have been here five weeks and have taken 300. Anyway shes already put them on facebook so have a look. "Kathryn Dallyn" (for the parents).
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