I truly hope that this is YOUR trip of a lifetime and can't wait to see you and Matt when you get back with all your pics and stories!! I hope all goes well and will be thinking of you both!
Safe journeys,
Lots of love from your little bro'
Pat, Kevin And Family
Stay safe, stay well, hope all your adventures are happy ones and the sun always shines. It's only when you are older that you realise how little time you have and how much you should have done and experienced. Kevin and I had some great times before we 'settled down' not as big as yours will be, and the memories keep me going when life feels like all work and no play. Will keep watching with interest. Good Luck love Pat, Kevin, Debs, Steph and Stuart xxxxxxxxx
Karena, Mal, Hannah And Neal
Hope to speak to you before you go, but have a fantastic trip, this site is great, please, please keep in touch
love the cuthberts
Louise Mcadam
Bon Voyage you two! Won't get a chance to see/speak to you now as we go on holiday on Monday. Take care and be careful.
Enjoy your trip and take lots of photos.
Les, Louise, Craig & Alex xxx
Jéanine,john,cat And Duncan
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy - only have adventures if you take a chance. Take care of you and yours. All love. xxxx