after a nightmare of a trip by coach from koh samui to saturn which took 12 hours we ended up missing the last ferry to langkawi so we had to stop for a night in saturn, our room cost 300baht so we didnt really lose out on money there was just nothing to do there it was a ghost town we ended up just going for some dinner we fancied something spicy and they didnt dissapoint the next morning was painful for both of us! we got our ferry to langkawi at 9;30 it only took an hour but it was an hour late too, we stayed at a place called zackrys it was 35rm per night around 5 quid wot a bargain, it was clean enough and had a kitchen u could use and sky tv its was a proper backpackers place ud never know it was there if it wasnt for the lonely planet book. so the first day we had a bit of a look around met an ozzie couple went for dinner and got smashed as usual its was a good night and a bad morning for me, hangover from hell!!!! erin had a great idea that morning just to make a point i think because of my drinking behaviour of the night before, to hire out some bikes? i thought ok not a bad idea it wouldnt take a scooter long to get round the island and see the sites! oh no, not scooters, she wanted pedal bikes? bicycles! in 35degree heat with a hangover! as u can imagine i was well happy, but being the good boy i am i went along with it and we set off on our bicycle adventure for the day! the main attraction that we wanted to see were the cable cars which take u to the highest point on the island for amazing views, but this was shut for maintenence so we decided to go to a place called severn wells instead. the going was tough and after about an hours cycling we noticed we hadnt gone that far and that the mountain we were heading for was not getting any closer, but there was some good to come of it we passed a go kart track and made a deal that if we made it to these waterfalls we could stop by at the track on hte way back for a bit of a race round the track! with the go karts now part of the deal i felt a little better and we cycled on we stopped for a drink at a little harbour then on to severn wells. in all we cycled for over three and a half hours to get to these waterfalls we both felt like death and were sweating like a fat kid in a cake shop at the end of our ride! it was so worth the effort once we had climbed to the top of the mountain, the streams at the top of the mountain had made a series of natural pools and rapids that u could swim in and slide down it was beautiful and then all the water just dissapears over the edge of a cliff its a long way to the bottom so as u can see by the pics the waterfall it makes is pretty spectacular, it was a wicked place and id recommend anyone to make a trip to see it as long as u have a motor vehicle because riding a bike is not the way forward! on the way back we stopped at the go karts it was wicked they were really fast and there wasnt really anyone else on the track i over took erin 3 times she was so slow i think she was still using her indicators to go round corners? that night we crashed and burned the jollies of the previous night had caught up with me and the seven hours of cycling so it was an early night then next day we were off to penang!
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