Seems like everyone else is posting a message so jus thought i'd throw one in. Exam life is s***. Sorry about the language mum... Had maths exam today and it was higher than A-level maths. Lets not forget i jus scrapped a B at GCSE!! Only one left now, monday brings economics, a bad subject, too may graphs. The price of being a genius rises! Started playing squash like everyday, can feel the benifits, ridiculous sport but bloody hard work!! Off to leeds next week for a wally reunion so now doubt all my hard work will be swallowed in a pint of northern happy juice, but will be good to see them all again! Wish i was going to Aus with yoshi but Kos will surfice! Is brilliantly clear up here everyday this week, which is nice, but super cold! Praying for snow soon, that should release all exam tension!! Enough said, speak to ya soon! Keep wel.
Seems like everyone else is posting a message so jus thought i'd throw one in. Exam life is s***. Sorry about the language mum... Had maths exam today and it was higher than A-level maths. Lets not forget i jus scrapped a B at GCSE!! Only one left now, monday brings economics, a bad subject, too may graphs. The price of being a genius rises! Started playing squash like everyday, can feel the benifits, ridiculous sport but bloody hard work!! Off to leeds next week for a wally reunion so now doubt all my hard work will be swallowed in a pint of northern happy juice, but will be good to see them all again! Wish i was going to Aus with yoshi but Kos will surfice! Is brilliantly clear up here everyday this week, which is nice, but super cold! Praying for snow soon, that should release all exam tension!! Enough said, speak to ya soon! Keep well.
dont worry bout it tho
gday m8, off skool wit concussion 2day haha man im gona bully the kid dat did it, dad sent u a mad letta bout how ur spending 2 much an ur in big debts haha jus telin u its him sendin that letta not me;) peace
ah dont worry josh, god loves you. looks like dan is back to fitness again then,, hows his ankle? 8-1..not bad! u beat suttton utd then eh joshy? good stuff! wat u get a yellow card for? flamin galah. not bout getting caught for ya fouls boy. disguise them better.. gona go to the beach now, however the weather is crap but waves are huge, so always a laugh. need to do some exercise too..been slacking recently... may go for a run or sutin. anyway peace out hope u enjoyed the roast!!! wat i would give for a home cooked roast!!! niiiiiiiice. look forward to you coming and buying ure old bro a beer joshy. adster do some work
aahhh nice to c u n dad care! gaaa! na was kwl to hear from ya this mornin, but u gota stop ringin me off ur mob to mine tho, REMEMBER u shud be savin ! footy went well this mornin we beat sutton united 5-2 and i scored but then agen i got booked:-} had to get up tooo early tho, need retirement!
anyway enjoy the sun n waves, anway eres mother!
Helo mathew! just making my shopping list for a big roast later!
hope alls well, will speak to you soon!
ps. dan won 8-1 in quarter final against oakwood! now hes gotta play his b's! ha ha
peace LOVE YOU !X
Mataus To Dad
hahaha martin ellery bennett the pro ref, i can see it now. u love the power trip dad, u r a quality ref though has to be said. had a dream last nigt that i went home! was well surreal, i walked into our house and u guys had built a basement for parties and dug the back of the garden down to the basement level and were having a big barbie with all our friends! then i was chatting to mum about why i came home so early, and how cool the house is, oh yeah and i met sasha the dog for the first time and she was really ugly... hope that isnt true..she looks gorgeous soooooo gorgeous in the photos uve sent me though!!!! hmmm not saved much yet lol..u know me.. but next week ill start..that sounds familiar.. however next week im forcking out 150pounds to fix my mp3 player! but will be worth it so i can block out some swedish chat once in a while.. for a muck around in the waves then work tonight. ah the waves hit 5 mtrs yesterday, do you know how big that is lol!!! too much fun. take care and yeh ill try and ship josh off to alex and val asap lol...only jokin josh, cant wait to seeya!
No more picture of the Bondi,,,,,, please, we are just waiting for severe cold weather to arrive here from Russia, off work today as I have A stinking cold, but been out with the dogs for long walk, Joshy cant wait to join you and I cant wait to drop him off at the airport, sure you dont want him for the summer, have you spoken to alex and val yet, I am sure they would love to seeyou both, Busy weekend for DAN he's playing John fisher at rugby sat, then cup quarter final sunday, I will probably have to ref... did I tell you, the opposition last week gave me 10 out of 10, best ref they had ever seen, and they lost, should of been a professional!!! to old now though, Mum is now deciding on what part of the hse to attack next, but doesnot trust my d i y skills, keep enjoying yourself, make a fortune in the next 3 yrs, so we can come to your pad!!!!!!!!!!!! dad
hahaaahhaa u guuuuuuuuuuuys
cracking up ya flamin galahs!josh get a fake id pronto yo! houghton amazing to hear from ya man! hope your france random study year is going well. hope the girls arent too hairy. having a great time out here, duno when ill be back, whenever i get fed up i spose, which is defo a long way off yet!!! prob catch ya next summer lol!! who knows! maybe just come home after a year coz i dont think i could be arsed to save up for a plane ticket home if i stay for 2 years. my flights only last for a year.. see how it goes!! enjoy the croissants man love you long time
Yes i do Mr Thomas! yes i do !
Thomas Bright Esq.
mat-i hope your brother enjoys beer. mats parents-do not worry-he's in safe hands. mats brother-i hope you enjoy beer.