UP THE SCOOOTLAND!!! JOSH BITE HIM, BITE HIM GOOD, DO YOU NO HE IS, CLEARLY NOT!! IDIOT!! rant over. ps. leeds is fun and dangerous.
Flaming Galahhh
Elo mataus, exactly 25days today, im off to chesterfield on friday with char shud be a good larf! then its 2 weeks until my flight and even less til i finish work! AMAZING! by the way i will be bringin gifts such as, bed covers and tea bags!
As transport im hopin to hire a bike if possible so if u cud find me a place to get one, much apreciated! played footy 2day we won, 1-0 amazin match except sum boy got angry at me and told me i didnt no hu he was! **** if i no! i asked him but no answa! foolish boy ! anyway gettin hungry again must go nd eat! if your gona call, call the house fone, cheaper for the both of us, my fone bill is crazy because of you!!! grr!!! peace fellow brotha!
ah strong mate, ill have a word with old G.o.d for ya and see what he can do bout the lack of heat over yowself. ill make a deal with him and convert, he loves converters. wat the mother fo and im going on bout. must be the heat getting to me. all bout the ones mate good work, miss the hockey days loads, the cruise down there, all of us boys in same team,ah vernon however i respect your loyalty. although i also know u only play in the 3's just so u can score hatricks ever game.greedy jewishtottenhamscum. strong mate u gota get to malia or somewhere, live thelife u know. "i know, ill let u make me some nice roast dinner, come home,and instead ill eat your porridge and borrow ure milk. even though i have my own cereal, may aswell,ah yeh kiwis rule." this is why i havnt called up mr.pikey ryan lol! good times though man. working my ass off at the mo and living off noodles and weetabix, going well tho cos i wake up, have my cereal and banana with tea. then lunch noodles and tuna and then big meal for free at work so its all gravyyyy, the wweather has been cloudy here since last week, but jer tan still ok but on verge of fading due to working etc. we gotta leave our flat on march5th cos the b****es have decided to leave early for the coast,so were gona squat in a hostel,pay for one person so that we get a key then sleep in any spare beds for a third of the price heeeheeeeheee ooohohohhooooooooooh bad to the bone yeah anyway remember back in melbourne backpackers with the drunk swedes chuckin up on ryans head then bringing a teefed bicycle into the room. back in the day. oh yeh i forgot to ask you, do you know why jimmy-joe o'reilly got an injury whilst tap dancing? He broke his ankle when he fell into the sink
Mat general message to everyone, do not worry about your difficulties with mathematics, I can assure you mine are far greater.
hows it going? love receiving the drunk calls when ure having sex with amazing fit celebrities... (Mart and Hel there is a joke there {mart u no u were the same back in the day})
played hockey today me and sewell a friendly in reading against pheonix we won 1-0 we had two young players from the fourth eleven play for a laugh and one scored from a pass by me. LOL vernon is still in the 3rd XI oh well what can u do he is also going out with a girl he met at my uni, she loves him too much weird texts etc. she will get hurt if he meets up with sheila again! im planning to go malia again this summer cant deal with no sun, think im gonna have to do retakes tho, behind in a couple of modules. hav u found ryan yet? met up with rich and people for a night out a while ago, he's back at uni again now same as me. hows the sun out there at the min. i need some sun soon or i will rebel against the english weather and freeze myself in protest demanding that some weather control device be installed over me...! sewells gone to brighton tonight where i should be but i hav to fix someones computer tomorrow around this area code. be safe and ill speak to u soon and remember why did the irish man use two condoms??............to be sure to be sure
Tom H
yo mat, nice to read your update and see some new pics! I know what your saying about foreign language when your trying to sleep!!! I get spanish everynight from my housemate on the phone and spanish is sooo loud and annoying! but what can you do hey. just sleep when you can man and try not to argue when your tired either! ha easier said than done, everything is worst when your tired. the waves look quality im so jealous. your going to be pro after 2 years! take care and speak soon, oh yeah did you get those pics i sent you the other day in an email? (prob last week now) xx ps just had almost a week of -10 here! tick!
Mataus To Mim
to mrs.harris, aka mimuff!! love ya mimuff! but your dog is too cool so gets a bit more love. please understand, dont worry, harris loves you. buts thats mainly coz u score high with the whole breakfast in bed thing. keep up the good work littleheath lady, love ya!
ahrrrrr i gota say it is sooo excellent to read all your messages, it really means a lot to me and i really appreciate them!!!! harris i dont believe you scored a goal mate but thanks for the amusing message chum. absolutely believe ugot sent off though u animal!!! yeah i check the old weather back home in the paper atwork everyday, always seems to be about zero madness! adsta do some work. sounds pretty hard core that maths thing..rather u than me buddy. flamin galah. good luck with that... hmmm.. mum and dad sounds quality that ure going to la france with rich and sara, hey who has got more hair left these days dad or rich??? where are you going in france???hey mum no need to worry too much about my health..but lost 8kg over the last month... duno how much that is in stones though. too much fighting against the crazy bondi sea currents and swimming away from sharks and stingers.. and the noodles diet lol. rittchard young mate, u should defo take up another martial art this winter man yes indeed. try and go mai thai boxin mate! they got them in sydney so u should have them in notts maybe. ok i think im gona write a new postcard bout mylast few weeks, havnt updated for a while, mainly coz not much has happened!!! .....thanks again for all the messages, love hearing from home, make me laugh so much!!! peace
Matthew Robert Harris
Well hello there mr hall. how r things going in bondi these days! got ur postcard on fri! amazing, so funny some of those fings u wrote! oil, popcorn, etc. mimuff was not very happy with ur lack of love however, and is quite angry that u miss ozzie more than her! but alas, she will survive. Just wanted to tell u wat an intriguing game of hockey we played on sat. it was against old kingstonians who were good, and we lsot 4-2. but rich played - random. and harris got sent off for the first time in his career! bit of a shoulder barge, nothing too serious, but over-reacting umpire bought out the yellow! oh well, its bin coming i suppose! lol. but then came the best bit. After feeling slightly bad for letting the team play wiv 10men for 15mins, i then had a moment of madness, and in the attack, had the ball passed to me on the edge of the d and then cracked one up in the top left hand corner! amazin feelin to finally score my first goal! shame u wernt there to witness such an event mr hall, however i believe this is the start of a new harris - midfield king! lol.
Neways, godam msn me im so bored at work sumdays!
keep eatin the pasta n beans.
peace out
Rich/sarra/dad/mum/frankie Dog
It is bloody freezing over here. Just been into guildford for a Thai meal with your mum and Dad. Your Mum looks younger everyday but boy does your dad look like sh*t....Arsenal lost in FA cup hahaha..But not all is bad news London are still represented by the best team around..Chelsea sneeked a 1-1 with Everton !!!!
We've booked a long weekend in France with your M&D in May..looking forward to it but i hope your Dad can keep up with the pace...All the best ..keep sending the pics.
PS i once went out with a Brazillian model. Turns out we shared the same name and had the same number of balls.........oopps...don't tell Sarra
Hi Mat - We had SNOW last night !!!! Very cold here and fresh - quite nice really! Very brisk walk with the dogs last night - I am learning to do power walking !!! My legs will be like sticks soon !!! ( Maybe ... !!!)