29.01.08 Fort Cochin
Had half a day to fill in in Alapuzha so headed to the beach and it was absolutely pristine...leave most NZ beaches in it's wake. Also had a frustrating wait of 30mins at PO while Paul tried to post a parcel...absolute chaos! We got 3R tickets on the train up the coast to Fort Cochin. Just obver an hour through palm plantations mostly and river outlets to the coast. We took a 3R ferry from the mainland (Ernakulam) to the island of Fort Cochin and found accommodation in the centre of town. This is a tourist spot. So lots of palangi everywhere and tourist prices to suit. This is intersting because the place has been luring traders for the last 600 years from the Chinese to the Portugese Dutch and Poms and its reflected in the buildings. There ids also a Jewish area full of interesting shops and traders. On the way in we noticed the P&O Oriana moored at the wharf on its way to Colombo. Vasco da Gama died here and there are houses here where he is reputed to have lived. In fact he was buried herer for 14yrs before being taken back to Lisbon.
We decided to chill out and stay 3 nights. The town is small and easy to get around on foot and the waterfront is full of interest. They still use the traditional chinese fishing nets here...giant spider like contraptions take at least 4 men to handle and date from the Kubla Khan era of the 1400's...fascinating stuff.
WEorganised bike hire for 40R for the day and set off touring the island. We covered a lot of distance in 4hrs but very comfotrtably...these for those in the know were single speed rigid 28er's! Although there was some suspension in the seats...this might be the last ride I get before goa so I made the most of it and went for another ride before dusk. I have actually seen some great training ideas for you single speed that sticks in my mind is to tie half the canes from your sugar plantation to your seatpost so that they drag 3m on the road behind then set of three hours before dawn to get to the markets on time! We found the Mattencherry (Dutch) Palace which had some beautifully preserved Hindu murals depicting various legends in intricate detail.
The following morning was spent at the Emirates air office on the mainland so thast Paul and Julia could confirm their flight details. On our return we took a diffrent ferry to Vypeen island then a 25km bust trip to Cherai Beach...more palms white sands and surf and another pristine beach. The resort accommodation here is more expensive and away from the hustle and bustle. Our bus driver on the way out was as mad as a meat axe...he had two speeds...full on and brakes on ...and smiling all the way....I was in the suicide seat with Paul but looking around the rest of the bus everybody seemed very relaxed so we just went with the flow as you do here so often. When we got off the bus and looked for a tuktuk to the beach an elephant stepped out of a sidestreet 5m away and walked off down the street much to my amusement...that's the sort of random scene you are constant ly confronted with here. Paul and I sharesd a huge snapper grilled in local spices for dinner. Then coffee and death by choc at a great little cafe alongside the hotel. Another day of chilling out here with a bit of shopping, sight seeing and dare I mention it again ..eating and we would be ferrying back to the mainland.
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