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Anita Kate,Thank you for putting these ideas foawrrd at council. It is about time that 1) we re-think the ways things are done with the annual meeting 2) tackling social responsibility as part of organizationThe current anguish for us that live and breath social responsibility in our work and life is the fact that we don't have a clear answer of what to do when current labor dispute has a direct impact on our decision to attend SAA, to stay or not in the hotel, etc We need to plan for the future so we know what to do if it happens again. Most action and less reaction. A lot of food for thought on this,thanksMarisol
re: Georgetown, MalaysiaIvan my traveling pantrer this morning at sunrise, when we break camp and get back on the boat.It is our second day of three on the river, taking a boat to Timbuktu. I rise early, before dawn under a full moon, and walk inland, straight from the water over flat desert scrubland, nothing on the horizon except scrawny, thorny bushes. After a mile, I hear the bleats from a lamb, but see no sheep. I can walk forever in the nothingness, like an arctic expanse. I have never known such solitude. I traveled this far to get past loneliness.Back on the boat, I realize how fortunate I am to be able to tour the Niger and see the land of Timbuktu (Buktu’s well, from the ninth century C.E.). And fortunate for the opportunity to practice humility when encountering the connecting spirit of the Malian peoples and their response to the harsh conditions in one of the world’s poorest countries. They say bas***e’, no problem.The Bozo people have villages and encampments all along the river, supported by the men casting their nets while their sons, some quite young, pole the boats in place. How many of these boys will fish when they are adults? The fish are dying from desertification and the growing population. The temporary camps of the Fulab8 herders of brahma bulls and heifers and sheep. Both tribes are bound to their vocations by their castes. Both extract a living from a land less giving, the desert slowly wrapping its arms around all and wringing out the water and life. The children wave at us as we pass. I can’t here their cries, but I know they’re asking for “Cadeaux, cadeaux” (“Gift, gift”). I wave back, exhorting them in English to study hard, obey their parents, and vote Republican.In Timbuktu, the Tauregs (Tamasheks in their language) are everywhere, I don’t mean the Volkswagen SUV. They are nomads with a fierce reputation, who are also Sufi Muslims. The Festival of the Desert started 12 years ago, pulling in the yearly gathering of the Taureg tribes that have roamed this desert before the Timbuktu. Their music, mostly Takumba, is seemingly simple, but with a complicated syncopation that becomes trancelike and even religious in the call and response of its vocals. The dancing becomes ecstatic after a while and many rounds of hot desert tea. These people party hard, perhaps as respite from the harshness of their daily life. I was repeatedly pulled into their dance circles and pushed to go higher and higher, the fine dust of the Sahara rising like a foggy mirage.Tinariwen, the world reknown Takumba band, closed the Festival from 2:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. on Sunday morning. A Sufi singer from India sang with them on a couple songs. She reminded me of the Qawali singer, Neusrat Fateh Ali Khan. Only the tuobabs (foreigners) drank the alcohol provided by roving vendors, who prowl just like at the ball game, but can’t seem to make change or open a beer. There were only 150 of us Tuobabs at the festival this year (17 from Portland), a small fraction of those attending in prior years, because of the terrorist threat. Malians were let in for free and easily made the attendance equal to other festivals. The crowd was therefore African, which was great for connecting with the people, but also meant that we tuobabs were pestered all night to buy stuff by the same swarms that surrounded during the day.Thursday night, the female emcee announces that we have a surprise guest (although we really didn’t see him until the next night, so I guess she ruined the surprise): Bow-No, like in Bonobo, the ape, except it was really like Bon-oh, like in U2. The next night, Tinariwen backed him up during his nine-minute exercise in failed crowd exhortation. Very few Africans know who he was, even after an extensive intro. He thrust his hands out in peace symbols, sort of like the anti-Nixon, and chanted “Viva!”, and then Viva Timbuktu, Viva Festival of the Desert, Viva Musique, Viva Tinariwen, Viva Basekou (Basekou Kouyate, well known ngoni player from Mali (an ngoni is a rudimentary string instrument said to be the father of the banjo because of its jangly metallic sound)). The lead singer of Tinariwen sang Bono’s praises, although the praise seemed a bit begrudging. Bono’s command performance seemed to run on a little bit too long, especially when the crowd did not pick up that when Bono shook his hands at the audience like he was measuring a woman’s cup size, we supposed to repeat what he just sang. I’m sure he has had more success in other venues. He said his goodbyes and was escorted away by his two soldiers, who never let any black person near him when he sat in the celebrity stands before his gig. He had a videographer there, capturing ecstatic and exotic people of color dancing, so maybe we’ll be in his next video.I know I should give the guy a little slack for showing up to tell the world we should not be afraid and should come to the festival because music brings us all together. Who can argue with that? Well, maybe one little quibble. For a guy that talks about music bringing us together, he never really was with us, the people who don’t have special accommodations or soldiers that shoo away Malians.The act before Tinariwen closed it was Habib Koite and Bamana, music for Malian southerners, the Bambara and Mandinke. Our buddy, Ibrahim Kelly (who fronts the Portland band Dusu Mali) played djembe’ with Habib on his last song, a song advising people to quit smoking. A djembe’, which means harmony-peace in Bambara, is an African conga. Buoyed by good music and the half moon rising over the cool desert, we persevered until the end, the fine dust of the Sahara covering us all. We had eaten and breathed it for a week and left town three hours later in a 4 by 4 (a fine Galoper, made by Mitsubishi) on a ride that was as much vertical in up and down as it was forward. Three days of hard travel, and a touch of physical malady that didn’t require Cipro or hospitalization, I start the dance and drum workshop. So far the old saw, white men can’t dance, has not been challenged.
re: photo from 27 April 2010Atheew siger:Hey MartinDet var en fantastisk konecrt, og hele aftenen klappede pe5 alle me5der. Fedt at hf8re dig be5de solo og med band det gjorde du super godt.De bedste hilsner Troels, Musikklub Egtved
re: Nytaars aften Nice festAuth Jeg blir overhodet ikke okesarvet over NAVs besluntinger. Jeg jobbet tett med NAV den gange det het noe helt annet for mange r siden. Jeg drev da et konsulentfirma som hadde som spesialomr de tilpasse datamaskiner for synshemmede. En ansatt i et lokalt trygdekontor beh vde tilpassinger av farger og fonter samt en del spesiell programvare for kunne bruke windows. Dette var like etter at IA ble lansert med brask og bram. Vi la inn alle programmene som hun beh vde og endre alle innstillingene med fonter og farger og alt som beh vdes, og damen var kjempeforn yd. En uke etter ringte hun meg og fortalte at alle programmene og innstillingene var blitt slettet over natten, og hun kunne selvsagt ikke bruke PCen sin. Etter en kjapp telefonrunde fant vi ut at IT-avdelingen sentralt hadde oppdatert alle datamaskinene til alle 30.000 ansatte i trygdeetaten via datanettverket. Vi kontaktet de og lurte p om de kunne la maskinen til denne ansatte slippe unna slike automatiske oppdateringer. Det fikk vi streng beskjed om at var "helt umulig" og at "alle datamaskiner skulle behandles likt i trygdeetaten, for IT-avdelingen hadde slett ikke tid til noen spesialtilpasninger innen en s stor organisasjon". Etter noen byr kratiske runder var det klinkende klart at det ikke var rom for NOEN unntak i forhold til drift av PCer i NAV, s damen s seg n dt til si opp jobben sin.
re: Tulum, MexicoRanod Handle cameras cralfuley cos they fetch you memories of the moments to recapture and build within one an aura that feeds energy to cook good food of Psyche and speech.Ravi.
re: Ridetur hos Enrique 5Thiago - Needless to say we at Erva are very disapointed that the Audiencia Nacional have not acceetpd our claim, it is difficult to aprehend their real reasons for doing so. However as the saying goes as one door closes another one opens It is therefor pleasing to see that the Danish Government have taken up the cause and are evidently not worried about ruffling a few feathers with their own banks. We shall of course continue our fight and now send the file to the Spanish Regulators and Central bank, who knows they may have the courage to open up thiese scams and also take our cause to the Spanish Government. It is interesting to note that even if the Audiencia Nacional have rejected our plea we do have two private criminal complaints acceetpd by the Public Prosecutor and Courts. One against Dansbank in Coin and the other against Nordea in Marbella. We will of course be taking other action as we feel is neccessary through our lawyer Antonio Flores. At the moment our only course of action is to sue these banks on an individual basis, however Antonio Flores feels we may be able to group each bank together. If you want to carry on your fight may I suggest that you contact Antonio Flores direct with your intended action. Antonio is very much aware of our plight and has agreed to look at each case individually and is prepared to act on a no win no fee basis Please feel free to email me at any time for clarification Ian SherdleyVice Chairman (ERVA)
re: Crazy hund jagter skygger i San CristobalManuel Dec02 Webmaster, I am the admin at . We profile SEO Plugins for WordPress blogs for on-site and off-site SEO. I'd like to invtie you to check out our recent profile for a pretty amazing plugin which can double or triple traffic for a Worpdress blog. You can delete this comment, I didn't want to comment on your blog, just wanted to drop you a personal message. Thanks, Rich
re: san crístóbal, MexicoRanjit on the SAA page was I do not recollect much discissuon on this issue (although my memory may be flawed), just a general sense that the threshold should be higher than a majority. I think requiring 2/3 rather than a majority represents a somewhat conservative stance, and if you don't agree with that, I encourage you to send a comment to that effect to . Or leave a comment confirming that on the SAA page, which is official (as this blog, of course, is not). Given that you had expressed your reservations about this whole thing here on this blog and that I think maybe the conversations here had something to do with changing your mind, I'm particularly pleased to see you express your public support for what we're trying to do. And I'm serious about counting on you to help convince any of your peers who aren't on board, and I expect to see you as a eloquent supporter in the business meeting! Best, Kate
re: Oaxaca, MexicoSalman Nov13Nabin jharna aanti testo choto luga leyara hamro gautira nagaideko va bes hunthiyo ni pachi hamara nani harule pani timi jastai NAKALI vi de vane? plz hai yo choto luga hamro gauma pachdai na kya
re: San christobal de las casas, Mexico