Carmen, I think we'll see all sorts of drivers emegre that will promote the development of human-machine neural connectivity. As the elections in Iran showed us, new technologies (i.e. Twitter) can be used for both good and bad purposes. Whereas we may see some well-intentioned parents opt to provide their children with the best mind-enhancing tools possible, might we also see oppressive states, religious zealots and other extremists use these technologies to control or pre-program their target population?One : Imagine having, say, an entire biblical library implanted in your brain, always available just for the thinking of it. That scares the bejesus out of me. We need to use these technologies to help us think more creatively and innovatively. We should not use these technologies to embed somebody else's dogma or constructed reality.
Olqa Carmen, I think we'll see all sorts of drivers emegre that will promote the development of human-machine neural connectivity. As the elections in Iran showed us, new technologies (i.e. Twitter) can be used for both good and bad purposes. Whereas we may see some well-intentioned parents opt to provide their children with the best mind-enhancing tools possible, might we also see oppressive states, religious zealots and other extremists use these technologies to control or pre-program their target population?One : Imagine having, say, an entire biblical library implanted in your brain, always available just for the thinking of it. That scares the bejesus out of me. We need to use these technologies to help us think more creatively and innovatively. We should not use these technologies to embed somebody else's dogma or constructed reality.