World Travelling with Mark And Lilly
Hello from Melbourne! The art capital of Australia.
Indeed, after 3 great weeks spent at our friends, Cherie, Peter and their baby Leyla, tasting wines in the Clare and Barossa Valley, visiting Cherie' s parents' farm, looking after Leyla, celebrating our birthdays, sorting our old van out and selling dirty and smelly fast food during the Adelaide Royal show. We finally left our comfort zone and our friends warm house and atmosphere to take the road again. Monday 18th Nissy ( our van) was packed and ready to hit the road.... Guess what, not quite. after a long and high hill outside Adelaide (20km from the city) our van struggled and then stopped as there was a problem with the carburator, a petrol overflow. Thanks God, we had suscribed to the RAA help assistance who 2 hours later drove us to a garage closed to our friends back in the city. Few repairs and 250 dollars later, the van was ready tuesday to go. We drove along the coast, Port fairy, The Great ocean Road, the 12 apostles site really beautiful, then Appolo bay. we slept on carparks or in parks along the road driving at only 80km/hour!!!
We arrived in the famous surfing beach Bells Beach on friday and stayed till sunday, good waves but windy. Mark surfed huge waves on saturday, I watched instead.
We are now in superb Melbourne, enjoying all it has to offer: this morning we will go to Picasso exhibit, then admire Yann Arthus Bertrand photos: the earth from above, walk in the city and discover its markets....
we may even work in the coming days at the Melbourne show probably selling hot dogs again: achetez mes saucisses grasses....
Bonjour de Melbourne, la capitale artisitique de L'australie ou nous debarquons apres 3 excellentes semaines chez nos amis a deguster du vin, se ballader, faire du babysittying, acheter un van et l'organiser, vendre de la malbouffe a la foire de l'agriculture. Lundi 18 septembre, le van etait enfin pres mais apres 20 km plus vraiment. En effet apres une cote assez rude pour notre van, il s'arreta, impossible de demarer, heureusement on avait juste souscrit a une assistance!!!!! De retour a la case depart puisqu' un mecanicien nous ramena en ville ds un garage a 1 km de chez nos amis, ils ne s'attendaient pas a nous revoir si tot!!!! le lendemain apres reparation ( probleme de carburateur), le van est enfin pret, en route pour Victoria!!! On a dormi sur les parkings et au bord de la route. Le site des 12 apotres sur la cote est magnifique cree du a l'erosion des cotes. Puis on s'est pose a Bells Beach a Torquay 3 jours afin de surfer cette superbe droite... Vendredi, j'ai pris quleques vagues, samedi, j'ai observe Mark surfer des bombes. Nous sommes chez la tante de nos amis a Melbourne qui nous a prete sa maison. Ce matin, on va se rendre a l'expo de picasso, puis irons voir les superbes photos de Yann Arthus Bertrand la terre vue du ciel. On va surement travailler quelques jours a la foire de Melbourne egalement.
Voila, a Bientot
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