I remember reading once in the Torah, that if the rocks could, they would cry out. I tremble at the thought of what these bricks would cry at the suffering they have witnessed within these barbed wire fences.
As we enter Auschwitz through the historic gate immortalised by Spielberg, a chill runs down my spine, empty watch-towers penetrate me with their gaze. A gentle snow covers the ground, it's cold hard surface giving Auschwitz a haunting serenity.
We enter the camp, how do you describe unspeakable atrocity? How do describe unbeatable pain inflicted by educated humans upon each other? I've experienced genocide in Rwanda and Cambodia, but the sheer scale of Auschwitz makes these seem lacking somehow by comparison...
What value do we place upon human life? Can it truly be so little? That life can be dumped as ash as fertiliser, human hair from living and dead crafted into material? Families dying together purely based on nationality or religious choice.
Will it ever end.?
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