The blackness was all consuming.
A giant tarlike hug.
It was all around. An immensely sense of dread. Silence was his stealthy companion creeping In unnoticed. The lack of noise was so loud it felt as though the entire sea was shouting at me. A massive emptiness surrounded me as I hung in what felt like suspended animation. Was time still even moving?
Was I moving?
Was I even awake....
I walloped the torch against my leg for the third time and with a jerk it sputters back to life. The underwater water world of the Red Sea 18meters below the surface springs back to life as immediately confronted by a wall of fire coral, giant fingers of fluorescent orange pain inducing misery right in my path!
I ram the inflate button on my BCD and crest the top with millimetres to spare. Escaping a particular nasty burn/scorching. And that was my first night dive! 45 minutes of high adrenaline, heart racing, leg cramping fear! All I can say is I'm glad it's ok to pee yourself in the water!
Today was awesome. We started at 7am with a 4x4 truck rally down the coast to our dive site. the wind and sand blasting our faces in the open top truck. Natures exfoliant attacking my factor 30 sun cream! It clearly wins as some point I still manage to get burned on one arm and a foot (look like a bit of an idiot now!)
Our first two dives are to visit an old sunken wreck. Nature has reclaimed the old ship and now plays host to a submersed sea life paradise. As we approach the dive I'm happily shadowing a really cool fish that basically looks like a dinner plate with fins, its huge! Eerily out of the silty water appears the stern of what can only be described as a ghost ship. My skin immediately gets goosebumps and the hairs well... All over stand on end as I see the sea moss covered anchor and what is left of the turbine! It is huge. We carefully navigate the old masts and railings before finning up towards the bow. Fish are everywhere. A new watery home made from a watery grave. I duck and twist around the ship trying not to look in the empty port holes, giant vacant eyes staring at me, watching my every move.
An awesome and challenging, and totally fear inducing days. Feeling safe back on dry land :)
- comments
Chris Mainland The old spiked leg still give you grief sometimes?!