Hmm...just to clarify, the word we used to describe losing your wallet and phone was very harmless but is apparently deemed censor worthy...making it look like we used far worse language than we actually did. I'll keep a mental note of that for future postings.
Bec And Ben
Hi Mark and Chan!! b***** about the wallet and least you guys are taking it all in your stride and continuing to have a great time. It wouldn't be a true South American holiday unless something like that happened. Here's hoping that's the worst thing you'll experience. May the rest of your time be mountains, ponchos, llama's, steaks and g-strings. We hope you have some colourful outfits prepared for Carnivale!! Can't wait for those photos!!
Love and hugs from us xx
Elizabeth Taylor
what a wonderful trip you two are having!!! sunshine and fun all the way, loved the photos and comments. Take care, love and kisses e.t. and b.t. xxxxxxx
Cher Gates
Hi guys, so glad that you're having a great time, the pictures look fabulous. Keep em coming. Not at all envious of all that sunshine and beautiful surroundings. Keep having fun and watch out for that sun
Looking forward to seeing you guys in June
Take care, love Cher
x x x
Ma N Pa Gates
Well guys thanks for that little drama today!! As if we need to worry anymore than we do.What you should know is when i spoke to the bank the first very 'jobsworthy' man kept saying "but are you a relative" and i am saying Miss cooks statements come to my address,i have all the details you want,rather than lose my temper big time and get nowhere I engaged you to each other .(I can hear Sue and Jim cheering) Anyway i spoke to a lovely man after that and helped loads.Just put all this behind you and get on with enjoying yourselves.Lots of love Ma'n'PaXXXX
Looks Great! I have to say that as names go Nirk could stick! Jackie , I hope that wasnt the only glass you had (I would find it hard to believe) and I have to praise your day one efforts , food, alcohol, a shopping arcade and buying sweets (and planning a trip) -good going. Ma'n'Pa seem to be blaming playing in the snow on Grace but you know the truth- at one point yesterday they were building a snowman and Grace was drinking hot chocolate! The night before the poor child had been dragged out in the snow at 9pm in her PJs to make snow angels - discgraceful! Cant wait for your next few update , Grace thinks this is a great idea. Looking forward to the next post card. The whales went down really well. KEEP SAFE- I dont think pretzels are the way forwards in world peace but the abviously have a place. Love to you from us
Ma N Pa Gates
Hi Guys
Whilst you are off enjoying the sites,sounds and drinks of far off lands spare a tiny thought for us poor souls in the UK snowed in! Well that what we want the employers to think,in truth everyone is having a great time sledging,building snowmen and generally being silly,something we are all needing at the moment so thank you mum nature.Jackie,I have just finished the book,what a good read really enjoyed it.For the first few pages I thought 'too many characters' and Mr D not being my favorite guy of all time (I know everyone else loves him....its just me)but after that I couldn't put it down,what a difference with the plot a really good twist with the women finally giving their point of view,I shall look for other titles from that author and let you know.Well the snow and Grace are waiting,TAKE CARE and have a great time.Give Kate our love and a BIG hug.Ma'n'PaXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX